2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

if we included the rat we could obfuscate their alignment still because longform go brr

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Right agent probably shouldnā€™t need a meeting from the other player assuming it does now idr considering irl they will show it you in a second probably

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Hmmm rat is weird. Cause its basically just a pirate who can only choose themselves


well yeah but they reutrn

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it does not right now


I think rats the only thing i really wanna change on that Script


Yes but they are also immune in the other room before that happens


generally the game is more fun the less info there is? or at least the less true info, not sure which
at least from what i can tell from Besjboā€™s game
iirc people were having a blast before the game got instantly mech solved.
so most of my changes would be to prevent the game from being instantly mech solved
this would probably involve Privacy Promise and some Mastermind variant


I like how weā€™re just ignoring the game atm


zugā€™s MM variant is a good start but iā€™ll have to cook a bit more


(it would help to have a day skip as people would probably skip it rn if everyone agrees)

actually id say info to fun ratio is like a bell curve
if thereā€™s too little info the game is unfun
and if the game is solved the game is unfun
but in the middle its perfect

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oh yeah
well thereā€™s only 2 hours in the round
maybe ill enable it for round 4


i thought about that, something like:
mm submits a guess for both color and role of each player
earns half a point for correct color and half a point for correct role
needs X points from both teams to win
if they only get X points from one team, only that team loses alongside MM

but then i couldnā€™t figure out how to prevent one of the teams spite info dumping to MM, or even weaponizing him by intentionally giving them all their accurate info

maybe uh. each team can have a colored role that is anti-claim for the other? blue mm variant and red mm variant

Yeah I agree itā€™s fun to be able to make deals(not too much info) while not being completely blind and wanting to do nothing(too little info)


The final day will be a game of chicken which i am not over stoked about also.
But :man_shrugging: hope you feel lucky tutuu


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intending to avoid that in the next run, particularly with security and pirate

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if we want anti-claim but we wanna prevent toxic / kingmaking scenarios then just make mm a blue and a red role instead of a neutral imo

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well how would that work
is it like. an alt wincon?

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