2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

Hm in the way of anticlaim I think I saw a role that can just choose a player and immediately kill them(xenohunter) (says it is for public revealing) and a xenomorph which when sharing with blue team impregenates rhe player and makes them blow up along with their room at the end of the game(a second bomber) probably could have the first changed to kinda work for this purpose somehow ike by being able to remove the roles of players if they guess it right or something silly(or just colored mastermind yeah)


i have learned. many lessons from this game that will be implemented in the next


ok but the flavor is fucking stupid




Yes but then if the anti claim is on a team that gives both teams another win con which gets too messy when it comes to ties.


i saw that yeah and when i read impregnated i was like :skull:

there was also an exhibitionist role? and a role that wanted you to touch all players? they wilding :skull:


the exhibisionist can actually only public reveal
but yeah the other roles in that were. probably not forum safe

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in terms of falvor

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Are you used?


well that’s why we use the Judge game mechanic

Theres something funny i can do. But it feels mean spirited so i wont

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i haven’t met with anyone today so obviously not

neither have i met with anyone!

Smh just but in the judge

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for reference in Judge players can give up their cards to the host (they still are that card but they lose the ability to share n use reveal powers and such) to win if it’s a tie and their team gave up the most cards

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Dont meet with catbae

originally this was a neutral role but that’s dumb

I dont get why you think its dumb

as a neut its a non-player

the red/blue variants are ~okay though