2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

thats okay i already got what i wanted out of them last round

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They want a tie so naturally they want to work for both teams. Its a good balancing tool

Lol fair

Maybe you could have the dr boom/opposite color role which when they share with a opposite leader makes them lose but give them a force reveal so too much information from a team lets the other team just win outright

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the only way there is a tie is if doctor/engineer both fail to card share
though i can see it working with r/b Masterminds i think its just Better as a game mecahnic

why not


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With anti claim on both teams now it seems more viable tho right

i still think its better as just a game mechanic but yeah

you would also prevent giving up your card after round 3

Hmm in that case just add the informats

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(also personally id love it if all rounds last at least 24 hours, 12 hours is really little for everyone outside the US, and assumingly the start date for each round would be set to be of convenience to the US)


Yeah no 12 hours fo final day is a death sentence for me x-x

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yeah that’s fair
the round times shrinking is intended to simulate irl time pressure but


Tbf when discussions tend to last just 3-4 hours as the primary point of the day it doesn’t stimulate pression well

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I mean
it does restrict how much people can talk, but that’s already done by having less meetings
so it feels like restricted times just makes it harder to talk to specific people based on timezones (which isn’t a problem IRL and is bad)


yeah fair
i think the meetings things does it good anyways

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i can make every round 24h ig


ngl i like the masterminds chances this game lol