30 [3/8] rings (canned)

Me when illiteracy.

You already blocked me from getting 10 the moment you realized Circles. Heck, Ash was supposed to have blocked me from getting 30 when he said he had guessed Circle 10 as 1. (Yet somehow he put 2 as his final guess?)

@Marluna, important question: Do I get points if I point out mistakes of others’ hands?

yea I was hoping you only got circles

Ah, I knew it. (1) You had to see what I saw. (2) The power of [15] was way too strong. I was damn lucky to have gotten it.

Yeah… That was never going to happen.

I myself am impressed how I got the WiM to actually solve this game.

Ash was unlucky for getting a number over 212.
Someone was unlucky for getting 111 twice.
I got lucky for getting a 15.

Despite all my despair at the beginning of the game, I am actually relieved to see I was -in truth- not unfortunate.

On a side note, no offense Marluna, but considering the Circles had the smallest set possible, while the Squares’ smallest number is only 1 number smaller than the sum of the Circles, the hint of “sum C < sum T < sum S” really did not help me out when trying to find the Triangles. (It did help me when I was thinking of Circles though.)

Please don’t.
This game has taken so much out of me, and I really want to be able to engage with it on my own terms.

I put it down as a general rule.
The numbers came later.

I learned my lesson not put down so easily recognisable patterns, if I try running this game in the future.

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Ash put c10 as 1

…oh. I was looking at C1 instead of C10.
My bad.

Chief, I fear you for figuring out whatever happened in [Guess the Card]. Whatever fear you might have for me from this game, I’ll take it.

(We Zone really do not wish to give you -our competitor- any advantages, and we would like to take as many advantages as we could.)

Easy patterns are fine, as long as you add tweaks to the pattern. Case in point: Triangles’ 30-36 is fine, because 3-23 broke the easy pattern.

With three unanonimous votes the next game is:

Break the ring, protect the ring.
(Or as somebody renamed it in their votes:
Lord of the Rings. Sadly this is a copyrighted name for 20 more years, so I can’t advertize with this title.)

The goal of the game: score as many rings as possible, during 3 rounds.

At the start of the game, each player gets 10 rings, and 5 ring guards.

At the first half of each round, each player has 10 boxes, numbered from 1 to 10, and the players use their unused rings and ring guards in the boxes following the next rules:

  1. you can put only 1 ring and/or 1 ring guard each boxes.
  2. If there is a ring and a ring guard in a box, the ring has to be put inside the ring guard.
  3. Any ring guard put into the boxes, can’t be removed until it got damaged.
  4. But rings in ring guard can removed freely, or 1 ring can be put in an empty ring guard, if the player wishes to do so.
  5. Only not scored rings can be put in the boxes.
  6. In the last round, every of your not scored rings and ring guards has to be put in the boxes.

At the second half of the round, each player gets a hammer, and smash at any box they want. (You are allowed to smash at your own boxes.) Each player acts the same time, but if they target the same box, it only counts as 1 hit.
If you hit an empty box the first or second time, nothing happens.
If you hit an empty box the third time, you can’t hit more boxes in the round anymore.
If you hit a box with a not guarded ring, that ring gets destroyed.
If you hit a box with a guard ring in it, the box get removed, and the ring guard become “damaged”.
If you hit a damaged guard ring and it contains a ring, that ring and the ring guard will be destroyed.
If you hit a damaged guard ring and it doesn’t contain a ring, the ring guard is destroyed and you lose 1 victory token.

Rounds end, if each player loses their opportunity to hit anymore, or all remaining player passes (choose not to hit anymore.)

At the end of the round
First: all “damaged” ring guard is destroyed. Any rings stored in these ring guards are automatically scored.
Second: all remaining boxes context will be checked. The ring guards in the first and second round will be put back in the boxes where they were put. (All players will learn in which boxes your ring guards are.) In the third round they will be destroyed with any rings stored inside them.
Third: count how many rings each player left unguarded in there boxes. The player with the most unguarded rings score those rings. In case of a draw, none of the players scores any rings. Any not scored rings will be given back to the players, to try again.

At the end of the game each scored ring will worth 1 victory token.

Preparation phase will last 48 hours.


pls give 48h, to much work not enough time


Got it.


The game is inspired by “Gambling Emperor Legend Zero” (if you read the manga it’s the first “real” game, if you watch the korean series it’s the pen-ultimate game of the show.) In the manga they use their finger as price for losing and knife as weapon, so it is definetly more closer to the series version.

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…too much thinking. Time to RNG.