30 [3/8] rings (canned)


im gonna be so awful at this tho :skull:

Don’t worry; we will be awful at it together.

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@Ash @Leafia @Someone

I will start the first voting phase 2024-03-27T16:00:00Z

There are some games which can be modified to played with three

If somebody else want to join later, they can join between games with zero token.



Me on my way to clear my -59 victory token balance by exiting and reentering the game.


Hello, somebody else.

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Okay, i will allow this, but to prevent this going indefinetly, anytime someone leaves the game with negative score, less or equal points than the previous recorded departure, the losing condition score increases by 10*, which checks the score retroactively.**

*So from -60 to -50, from -50 to -40, etc.

**meaning if you left the game with -59 even if your corrent score isn’t -59, when the condition increases above -59, you lose immediately. (And the game ends.)

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@Leafia @Ash @Someone

Each of you got their personal DM, so let’s put them in use.

Each of you have 24 hours to choose one of the options in your DM.
This time only the choice of you three matter, even if somebody join the game in the next 24 hours.

The two choices are

Guillotine (hard version)
[-10, +10]


Guess the card (2 out of 3)
[+0, +15]

What if I joined before this post was made?

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Refer to your personal DM, please.

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Zone_Q11 isn’t voting during this voting phase neither.

@Ash @Leafia @Someone

But he joined the game, and from the next voting phase onward, you will have three choices instead of two during voting.

I’m presuming we don’t learn the rules beforehand.

You only learn the rules of the games chosen after I get each vote.


All votes are in.

Preparation phase begins in a few minutes.
@Leafia @Someone @Zone_Q11 @Ash

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Preparation phase?

With two votes reaching majority today’s game is

“Guess the card”

The goal of the game: guess two out of the three characteristics of the hidden card three times.

The deck

Let’s introduce the deck first. As the narrator speaks a host comes in with a deck of cards, and puts them on a table (which appeared out of the blue as well)

There are 27 cards in this pile, each with a blank backface. The host spreads out the 27 cards and shows the 27 white cards

Each card has three main characteristics. First, each card has at least one shape on it. If it has multiple shapes it is all the same shape. The host flips three cards, the first has one filled circle, the second has a filled square, and the third has two filled triangles on it.

Second, each card has a color, the same as the shape, if there are multiple shapes, all colors are the same. the host flips two more cards, one shows a blank square on it with only the outline visible, the other shows a half filled triangle.

The ones with filled shapes are called black cards, the ones with only the outline are called white cards, and the ones with half filled shapes are called the gray cards.

Finally, there can be cards with one, two, or three shapes. the host flips one more card, showing three black squares.

Each combination appears exactly once in the deck. So there is exactly one, one of black triangle, etc, there is no duplicate. (3x3x3=27)

At the start of each turn I will choose one card randomly, which won’t be shuffled in the deck. You need to guess that card.

I will use the same cards in each turn.

The gameplay

Each turn all of you dealt four cards. To prevent peeking and card marking, until you discard a card, it appears blank for the others on both sides.

Each turn the first player is randomized.

The first player (and only the first player) are allowed to discard any number of cards face up (it can be zero card, if they want to). In exchange they draw the same amount from the deck.

After that the first player can guess exactly two attributum the hidden card.

If they are wrong, any other player can guess afterwards, but if you guessed already, you can guess only if all other players guessed at least the same amount as you. (If you guessed once, and somebody haven’t guessed yet, you can’t guess, but if everyone else guessed at least once, you can guess again)

Anytime someone makes a guess which fits one of your cards, you are allowed to discard any card fitting, and draw the same amount from the deck. (Only if the card was in your hand, while the guess was made.)

Anytime someone makes a wrong guess or discards a card they aren’t allowed to, they gain a penalty point. (Penalty from wrong guess disappear after someone guessed the card correctly, other penaltys are permanent.)

A turn ends, when somebody guesses correctly (they win that turn), or there is no guess, 24 hours after the last guess (the turn ends without a winner.)

Game end

The game ends when somebody won three turns, or there were three turns without a winner.

Rewards: each correct guess nets 5 victory tokens. Each penalty point subtracts 1 point from the reward. (But you can’t get a negative score in this game.)

(Reference acma:game 5:0)

You all have 24 hours to make plans, or ask questions about the game.

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I think I understand the game. I also think I’ll understand better from playing it.

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