Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

why does your dog look stoned


I am so successful

Hes wise

I know exactly how. When I was scrolling all the way down to select this picture (which was pretty far back cause it was a while ago) I accidentally hit a bunch of other images to add to the post and I thought I got rid of all of htem but I missed one

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Lucky snuck in. The pictures of me in various dresses did not

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happy Sorghum Day in the French Revolutionary Calendar


This reminds me of that one book where someone jumped into a silo filled with sorghum, thinking it contained wheat.

is this alcohol month in the french revolutionary calendar

it’s Fructidor, which is named after the Latin word for fruit!

What did I do

tell me when we get to thermidor that’s the month where shit went down

but SOON it’ll be the random holidays that aren’t part of any month! give it up for the random holidays that aren’t part of any month! :D


bad news, that’s the one that was before this month

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Why do u got that quote on standby

I was going to criticise your joke but I decided to make light of this line instead. I was merciful and you’re welcome.

I remember a lot of lines.

fun fact: robespierre was arrested on blackberry day and executed on watering can day, putting an end to the reign of terror


French people have the most dramatic full names.