[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

/in w/ grandees the temptation is too much


think of your region as your “team”
you all have the same goal and win together

Welcome Italy

Is that a gunpowder empire??!?!?!?!?

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Also rebelling is a tool used to increasing your Authority :crown: and Stability :dove:?

If not, what benefits it has exactly?

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Coronation (Prologue)

Chancellor: Your Majesty, I’ve scheduled your coronation to take place in a week’s time.
Eliza: Shouldn’t I be giving orders now?
Chancellor: Of course, but to delay any longer would make the nobles… restless. And when nobles get restless, they take their daggers and look for the nearest back.
Eliza: Very well then, what must I do?
Chancellor: As is tradition, the Council will decide what happens during your coronation.
Monarch: What!? But it’s my coronation!
Chancellor: This isn’t an absolute monarchy, Your Majesty. Everything has to be run through a Council vote, even this. Shall we call the nobles in?

Vote: How should the coronation take place?

A: Host a lavish parade with jugglers and fountains of wine. (-1000 Treasury, +Stability)
Votes: Jake,
B: Force the commoners to swear a blood oath! (+Authority, -Stability)
Votes: Jane
C: Throw the Queen into the river. (+Stability, -Authority)
Votes: Kiiruma, Squirrel, Icet, Marshal, Hazard, catbae, Litten
D: Proceed with a religious ceremony that honors the Ninth God. (+Faith)
Votes: Amelia, Italy, Zone, guava, YoubutWorse,


Kingdom Stats Authority :crown: Stability Treasury
5 5 3000
Region Stats Trade Farming Millitary Faith Defiance
Count Stats 4 7 5 4 1
Grandee Stats 6 6 4 7 1
Baron Stats 5 5 6 6 1
Player Wealth
@IcetFeelsPain 1000
@Hazardwaste 1000
@Zone_Q11 1000
@Moll 1000
@Squirrel2412 1000
@Jane 1000
@tutuu 1000
@JakeTheWolfie 1000
@catbae 1000
@Marshal 1000
@Litten 1000
@Kiiruma 1000
@Amelia 1000
@guavagudetama 1000
@Silviu200530 1000
@italy 1000
@YoubutWorse 1000

Please either ping me with your vote or reply to this message to vote. Ideally both.

its an alternative, but risky win condition

rebellion is for when your schemes aren’t working out too hot; Defiance lets you rebel if its higher than Authority and Stabiility (not combined)
so if you have a high enough defiance and you rebel, you gain an alternative win condition, but your scheme is paused while you do

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What benefits does Faith :classical_building: bring?

its just like any other stat

it may influence events, and such, but still

and some Schemes may require Faith
particularly the Counts and Grandees

I wonder if it’s significant or the equivalent of LUK :four_leaf_clover: in a DnD inspired RP

ehhh kinda
but not really
faith is, in my experience, the least influenced-by-events stat

Time to disregard it I guess

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you are literally a grandee half of your schemes require it

I was under the impression that it wouldn’t be THAT significant

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the Counts typically want lower faith, which is good because they start with 4 faith
the Grandees typically want higher faith, which is good because they start with 7 faith

oh no usually only one stage of your scheme will require it but

Basically if my schemes are going wrong. Faith might be the problem!

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