[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

this is blatant count favoritism

Oh no not our other 1/2 of our army


listen, we didn’t want tbis either, our two man army is now a zero man army

then we are in agreement that the queen must be stopped

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the queen is a tyrant agreed


@Italy: Your Holiness, there’s a problem at a cathedral in the South. A dangerous outlaw by the name of Iron-Jaw Jonesy was fleeing the City Watch.
After a decade-long crime spree, we were finally on the verge of catching him. But just before he’s caught, he dives into the cathedral and proclaims sanctuary! According to the law, we can’t arrest him on holy ground! The audacity of Iron-jaw Jonesy to invoke holiness!
Eliza: Sanctuary? That’s a thing?
Archbishop: Yes, it is! The law of sanctuary is almost as old as the Kingdom itself! As long as he remains on holy ground, this Jonesy is a child of the Ninth, under the protection of his mercy. I will not allow you violate that, no matter the nature of this man’s crimes.
Italy: Ninth above! Right now, Iron-jaw Jonesy is living the high life—priests are feeding him roast dinners and fluffing his pillows!

Vote: What should we do about Iron-jaw Jonsey and the law of sanctuary?

A: Sanctuary is a sacred tradition and must not be questioned! (+Faith, +Defiance, -Authority) [IRON CHOICE]
B: Repeal the law of sanctuary. (-Defiance, -Faith, +Authority, -Stability)
C: Allow sanctuary to be broken this time, so Iron-jaw Jonesy can be brought to justice. (50% chance of working)

Monarch’s Iron Choice has been placed on A.

What does this even mean

it means that you arrest this guy, specifically, despite sanctuary

it means they’re gonna break into the church to nab him

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It means. It has a 50% chance of succeeding and a 50% chance of failing

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an act of sacrilege might i add

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What are the Grandees opinions on this

Also what does Iron Choice mean again?


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he has to come out eventually

+1 Authority if the option is voted for

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it basically negates the penalty of choice A


While this is true, that isn’t an option that was presented at this council meeting.