[MISC] King of the Castle (21/infinity) - THE COUNTS WIN!

next event incoming as soon as i update the gamestate

what is this gunpowder you speak of


Wanna smell it?

somehow I think that is a poor idea

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Hmmm, I don’t know what this does exactly. Lower Authority? Doesn’t it make it harder to scheme?


Kingdom Stats Authority :crown: Stability Treasury
4 (Barons :white_check_mark:) 6 3000
Region Stats Trade Farming Millitary Faith Defiance
Count Stats 6 7 6 4 (Counts :white_check_mark:) 1
Grandee Stats 6 6 4 7 (Grandees :white_check_mark:) 1
Baron Stats 5 5 6 6 1
Player Wealth
@IcetFeelsPain 1000
@Hazardwaste 1000
@Zone_Q11 1000
@Moll 1000
@Squirrel2412 1000
@crazynuto 1000
@Jane 1000
@tutuu 1000
@JakeTheWolfie 250
@catbae 1000
@Marshal 1000
@Litten 1000
@sulit 1000
@Kiiruma 1000
@Amelia 1000
@guavagudetama 1000
@Silviu200530 1000
@italy 1000
@YoubutWorse 1000
@Daeron 1000

A Dangerous Cult

Archbishop: There’s a wild cult at large in the East. They claim to have found the arm of a dead god. A collosal limb that moves under it’s own power, tall as five men, long as ten horses, clad in shining steel. This heresy cannot stand!

Vote: How should we handle the cult in the east?

A: Summon the High Inquisitor to break this cult. (-Stability)
Votes: Zone, Squirrel, Icet,
B: Discreetly dispatch a spy to find out more.
Votes: Kiiruma, Silviu,Italy,
C: Wait and see, these things usually die by themselves. (+Defiance, -Faith)
Votes: Eliza, Litten, tutuu, Jane, Marshal, Amelia, YBW, sulit, catbae, Daeron,

I’m pretty sure cults don’t just die out.

This one is pretty easy for everyone, + defiance benefits everyone besides grandee, because you never know when your scheme will fail:

/vote c

and this is why you are a count heretic

The cultitten conspiracy

/vote B

@barons if you vote c, the counts will help you lower authority in the future, just like how we dunked the queen in water

we have a proven track record for dunking people in water while the grandees don’t


@barons the counts are not to be trusted. Voting B means you can continue this for even larger gains. Plus, I am oddly curious to see what this cult foolishly believes.

If you do spy on it, what do you think will happen? There’s going to be a choice for raising the queens authority by squashing the cult in exchange for raising faith (I assume? I don’t know the events lmao) , which will just benefit the grandees. The grandees will just betray you at the sight of more faith.

Also like, defiance is actually a really useful stat for everyone, read the op

Good to know.

/vote A


Nonsense. The goals of our grand country are ever shifting. Your claims fall through when you realize that the authority of the kingdom is already low!

I’d say this would be a game of risk. Though the cultists aren’t doing any passive damage yet.

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