777th poster gets an answer from achro also achro drama maybe idk read the topic if you want

no mu got the ban reason pretty much exactly correct

good job jumping on to insult the mu mods with literally no grounds to do so, though!

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The rerand wasn’t rlly that much of a problem because I didn’t have a great Day 1 in 1.0; I had better reads there for sure but it definitely wasn’t a good day, so I don’t rlly blame the rerand on not advancing

I do think I deserved to get top 8 tho


yeah i agree

Ah ok they did.

Thought they didn’t.

And day 1 rlly was the only day where my reads were depressingly bad

Day 2 I did start to be sus of Stick and I actually was the one that suggested CFD’ing her, I just sadly switched away from voting her which obv made me lose all credit to her being mafia whatsoever

I did catch Wisdom so like I did good there imo

And Kanave pocketed me but like, Kanave pocketed Litten too. We both started being sus of Kanave at the same time. And Litten got 3rd, so clearly being pocketed of Kanave shouldn’t be that big of a negative! Kanave also is just rlly good so being pocketed by her makes sense tbh tbh


I wanna say something.
But I don’t want to say it.

So I’ll just instead say Dyachei does a good job.
And leave out the rest of my thoughts.

We aren’t directly affiliated with MU and it’s completely fine to speak out, give your account, say if you don’t like particular communities or the way they run and why, but just remember not to bash other Mafia communities for the sake of doing it, thanks. Keep it equitable.
Not saying this to anyone in particular, it’s just from me.


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Actual footage of me whenever Caitlin is around


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Do you have a favourite gif?

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you know… i forgot your past accounts. until you posted this


Have a long-lasting ship you two

if we team up maybe, just maybe, we can defeat lumi

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monke together strong
defeat evil wizard

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if i play shoshone and you play japan and then lumi plays like france or something we can win

why am i stuck with japan

am i only japan so you can defeat me after we defeat lumi
am i being played

cmon marl you love japan