777th poster gets an answer from achro also achro drama maybe idk read the topic if you want

also @Achromatic skill issue :polidab:

also this is just incorrect
they are mostly fine, especially where moderation is concerned

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being able to understand the decision doesnt excuse anything about moderation


i understood where my parents were coming from when they dragged me out of my room and beat me until i cried and then threatened to kick me out of the house
they were angry that i was autistic and had adhd because i was supposed to be their perfect child with a perfect academic record and the fact that i didnt was a shame to their household community they wanted to cultivate
so what did they do?
hurt the misfit physically and emotionally until she stopped misfitting so she would stop being a bad influence on your community

if you think being able to understand their decisions make it condonable, say that to my face.


i personally think banning someone for something they did on another site is fine
it wasn’t like story didn’t know what they were doing
no one wants people who intentionally ruin games on their site

story also could probably appeal if they even wanted to since it’s been so long

I agree

i think that due to the nature of the offence, it was irresponsible at best

does it preserve their site? sure. you can ban 100s of ppl whove never played on MU and it wont really impact their site

but the message they sent with that one in particular caused me so much anguish and depression in the way they were setting up their culture to a point that contributed to the direct plans of committing suicide i had in the first half of 2021


I’ll like to edit that I have no idea what you guys are referring to this but as a general rule I am fine with that

they were protecting themselves from people like me.
people who are in intense distress and depression and receiving abuse in other facets of their life were mentally unstable. psychotic. the enemy.
i was the enemy to the MU moderation. i was dangerous. i wasnt welcome here.
thats what that decision meant to me.

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What happened

ill let you defend MU moderation all you want and theyre not bad but the story ban actively condoned slandering people like us and that caused me so much emotional distress

if you condone the story ban, you’re saying you don’t want me to play on MU
which is fine, the mods who made that decision didnt and im fine with that
i can deal with not playing on MU


im just getting upset because
i suffered emotional abuse on MU. there were members of the moderation team who condoned it or turned a blind eye (i don’t know any names for sure so i wont pursue this. i just know that some people got punished and others didnt.)
the story ban actively hurt me
if you want to defend those decisions, i’ll fight you on it


do you actively intentionally ruin other people’s games
if not, i dont think they were protecting themselves from people like you :wowee:

theres probably far better places for this conversation to be had then in a very public joke thread made by achromatic


Is it really a joke thread i dont think it is


it is a joke thread

i almost did
remember UD’s zelda mash
i was roughly a minute away from intentionally posting my rolecard in thread

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i could get being irritated at someone subbing out but if ur a host yoyr supposed to go “oh alright wish you would stay but it’s ur decision” not whatever night described :wowee:

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Eh whatever

Even if its meant to be a joke, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for it to spur discussion about the topic


Granted I have no place in said discussion by virtue of not using MU so bye

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yeah but you didn’t because you have the common sense ‘doing this thing would negatively impact a lot of people’ instinct that most people have