777th poster gets an answer from achro also achro drama maybe idk read the topic if you want

it’s p unreasonable given achro literally said two posts down he agrees he deserved his punishment :joy_cat:

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its preventable
and the reason story did it and i almost did it is because people hurt us so much that it overrides that common sense
i understand her. we’re not different.

if you want to villainise her, villainise me too. my “common sense” was similarly disabled to the point i was a snap judgement away from doing the same thing

the only reason i didint was because i wasnt at my PC at the time.

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I’d still expect it to spur discussion like this even if he stated he deserved it lol, not everyone is gonna take this thread as “its a joke, okay bye”

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so because my “common sense” (ability to empathise with people) is so weak
call me a psychopath to my face like youre calling story

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id really like to weigh in on this given it has actual relation to me but frankly i don’t know what I could say. I don’t exactly remember well how I even found out I was banned. I think its because I was kicked from the discord and I tried to log into my forum account and couldnt? Something like that. All I remember is I had basically zero interaction with the staff team at that time. I’ve never really had much interaction with them in general. I think that was bad.

It’s… hard for me to say the ban was for bad reasons though. Or that it was for good reasons. Frankly, It’s hard for me to think about what was going through my head at the time. I feel very seperated from the story that played mafia then in particular. I don’t know. This topic leads me to rant about tangential subjects very easily. That’s what I’ve got on it though
Obviously I have more thoughts around it but it’s probably better to keep that to dms later, if anyone still wants to talk about it. Don’t want to stir the pot anymore than it already is


if you intentionally had chosen to ruin a game i would also advocate for you to be banned sure

wanting to kill someone because they upset you is not a crime
killing someone is a crime

same thing applies

you dont understand
i wouldve killed someone if there was someone in front of me at that moment
it was just a stroke of luck that there wasnt
how does that make me any better?

if you really had wanted to post your rolecard you would have done it and no one would have been able to stop you

thats wrong
i was out and didnt have my phone for a while so i literally couldnt
by the time i got home i didnt have the urge anymore

getting an urge to do something evil is not a crime
happens to literally everyone

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if my grandma had wheels she would be a bicycle

i forgot what the saying was


she’d be a wheelchair

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the “urge” is different from the “will and the resolve, just not the means”

not really

ill do something bad just because you dont believe im capable of it somehow

again i didn’t say that
you were just saying you also should have been banned because you’re capable of breaking the rules
i disagreed
this isn’t psychopass

I am not defending Helz and I have no idea what Zorvo did. I am just saying, there should always be a way to reconcile and rehabilitate. I don’t think people should be permad off the global community so easily.

What is good moderation FYPOV?

For me, effective community moderation should focus on minimizing misunderstandings and permitting individuals to defend themselves or seek an opportunity for appeal, especially in cases where x baits y. This should be viewed from a broader perspective. MU holds a prominent position within the FM community due to champs, so there should be some additional flexibility in rehabilitating problematic behavior from individuals who are evidently long-term community contributors rather than troll accounts.


well this quite quickly went somewhere
i’m not sure where but by god it’s going

  1. Do not share personally identifying information of other users without their permission.
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permas are bad in general

look at jaiden if you want a good example of someone whos been known as a big troublemaker and they’re doing fine nowadays