'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY

oh wait then she said this

OH okay.


if lissi is scum she has to be a role cop, i think

role cop + vote stealer would just be kinda weird

it’s unfortunate you haven’t been able to confirm anything

It’s okay, chances are it’s Glass and she’s unable to commute.

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Going to sleep now. See you tomorrow, and I hope Glass has commuted by then.

VOTE: Glass

Actually Glass makes the most sense as wolf.

Vote Stealer is a day ability according to Leafia.

What stops Glass from being a Day Like Mafia JOAT?

If Grylander is town and is our town JOAT can’t mafia have a JOAT as well?


they can, but they can clear themselves today if they’re not lying about their ability, so the best thing to do is wait for that


@Gyrlander do you know if whoever targeted your target will get feedback if your power activates on them?

Just dropping by to report Zone’s answers

3v1v1 is not XYLO bc the important point is just that neutrals don’t count w mafia

In a 3 town v 1 neutral, town wins if neutral’s wincon doesn’t threaten town

So if Glass leaves and game doesn’t end, it means there has to be some kind of anti-town (mafia or 3p) role left

If she stops counting as in the game for sure, but I will cross check w n1 chat later

I think I do remember her saying the parity thing though n1

@Glass Shard what are your gutreads rn

the pov in these two posts just feels so incongruous

Now that I think of it

Why did you keep targetting Lemon? You must’ve known that Zorvo was gonna target her, no? He publicly declared so in thread that he was constantly going to protect her, who was basically IC

Your ability could do 3 things:

  1. roleblock first visitor (I need to ask if protectives get higher priority for being roleblocked or not, over attacks. But if protectives get RBed first it’s just completely ??? on your part)
  2. target bleeds instead of dies- AKA you doc them. Does bleeding get announced?
  3. they get an extra vote (unfortunately we can’t test this unless we risk no exe to see if Lemon got this ability)

The first two look more like protectives, so I don’t see why you would protect the same person Zorvo is protecting on the night he can protect, and/or mess up his protect.

The third is /shrug but only 1/3 chance of getting it.

IMO it would’ve been better to use your ability on literally any other almost cleared person (Leafia, obscurity, maybe Zorvo) last night

Plus, don’t JOATs usually only get 1 shot of each ability? You have unlimited shots?

Also, how does privately becoming a potato help you prove your role any more than now, when you also can’t prove things publicly?

Like I’ll try to explain it but so

He thinks if those two are town, it’s “unwinnable for Mafia” (not a guaranteed win for us…? imo slightly weird phrasing to arrive at) but says it like he doubts it somewhat (if, actually)

Then next post, he decides yup POE will be me/him if Glass leaves successfully

And we get one of the two out, get the other out the next day, if it doesn’t work we just roll over and lose, RIP

Like… 1. it’s weird enough that he doesn’t just say, oh if Glass leaves it must be Lissi (bc including himself in the POE if town is personally ??) or I miscleared people and 2. he basically says that we might lose from misclearing obscurity and Zorvo but does nothing?

I don’t see how this works.

Like at the very least, you can reason that Zorvo is 100% town, because if I was mafia and lying about his role and him being town, it would be a 4v2 at least, and it would be MYLO and announced.

Then you can look at obscurity like Glass did and try to double check since technically he is not mech!cleared though it’s 99% likely he’s town anyways given the mafia vig

I think that’s what made me do a double take at those two posts

Okay gtg now bye

Also just noting that this is a weaker point since phrasing often comes out weird and so this is harder to explain, but basically I’m trying to say that tonally this feels off

Actually I got a plan, we don’t vote Grylander today for this plan to work

Can you confirm you can do this tonight?

Technically speaking if Grylander is town and telling the truth Lemon would essentially be unkillable as long as we don’t visit Lemon.