'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY

If Zorvo and obscurity are Town and they actually have 1 BPV each this game is unwinnable for Mafia, just saying.

Have Glass commute, if she does lynch Lissi or me. If game doesn’t end, lynch the other person. If the game doesn’t end, we lost and are trash.

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@Glass yes you need to commute today whenever you’re ready

it will 100% clear you basically

@Gyrlander Also, thank you for the response/explanation

it’s hard because i don’t particularly scumread you. we’re just at a point in the game where you’re the only one without something mechanical going for you. which is kind of unfortunate if you’re mafia as you did quite well, but yeah.

basically if glass clears themselves it’s auto-win anyway… and well, if glass doesn’t clear themself, same deal, unless some insane neutrl exists.

I think you have some bias against me that you’re not aware of because of me not being confirmed mechanically in any shape, way or form but I can’t blame you at all.

Let’s wait for Glass and then proceed.

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i wouldn’t say it’s bias as much as logic

-lemon is the confirmed town role from the OP
-Zorvo was 100% cleared by Lissi, and there’s 1 mafia left
-Glass, if they’re not lying, can 100% clear themselves by leaving the game today

so it has to be you or lissi. lissi was a significant part of outing magnus, and would’ve had to have had some pretty good theater there to be mafia + you have nothing mechanical

so… i don’t think it’s bias.

I meant regarding your reads. I agree with the lissi part of the read, though.

I was talking about you going and ISOing me. As one good player said, if you look hard enough you’ll able to scumread every player just by ISOing him

that’s fair.

if glass does clear himself, i’ll go through you vs. lissi one more time and try not to be bias.

Thank you. Tbh, my main reason for living is just to see what “something bad happens” means. I think game is unwinnable for Mafia anyway. Unless there is a Neutral which then well what the hell

who have been your targets each night?

i thought it was limited shot for some reason

(i know your n1 and n2, but other nights)


lemon every other night? (n3, n4, n5)


what is the “growing risk” part? isn’t it just 33% every time?

Probably due to being 33% each night, so it’s riskier as the game goes on due to every check. That’s my assumption.

mm alright

I mean, there’s literally no way that I just faked the word “Growing” in a rolecard.

i was reading leafia’s ISO to see the vote stealer stuff but the last stuff she said was “clearing up the misconception of there being a vote stealer”

so like… no votes were stolen, then?

i’m still so confused by that whole thing