FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

may why does it say ‘2023 Best Scum Player’ next to your name and not mine

i think theres a very high chance braku regardless of alignment does not actually have a post restriction

i also dont really care to make a big deal about it because if they’re doing it on purpose they’re probably having fun with it

if i post again i have problems.


what does this mean

Because I tricked a lot of people into giving me an award I don’t deserve with self-voting and AtE

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Okay time to get to work. I am reading every iso until I find a wolfy iso in order.

VOTE: alexandra

Well that was easy.


He likely does not, but I do think our of respect for players that don’t want to or have a painful time reading it, he should stop

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V - Creature, Sabi, Alexandra, Atlas, Hallia
yolo V - SK, Eliza, Catbae, Bystander, SPF

I miss you already!

thanks for explaining - it makes sense that i might have correctly picked up that you were struggling to know what to say, but i believe that this isn’t wolf-indicative for you, and your explanation feels very sincere to me

wow ur like me :3

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Oh right yeah I also still think sk is towny
I just don’t remember everyone I’m not currently having a conversation with lol
And couldn’t be bothered to look for my own readlist either cause it only had like 6 names on it before

dont worry I’ll shoot you tonight if I decide to spare sk

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Strongly agreed

go to bed or i’ll ita you d1

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I would lock you town just to see what happens but I would have to run that by my boss first and I don’t think he’s around right now


What don’t you like about it?

motherfucker im going to do it im going to fucking do an excel sheet for 82 players. bet


If you don’t do it, derps will lmao