FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

VOTE: Luxy

Okay so I see you’re actively here, you’re acknowledging that people are townreading me or saying I’m not mafia, and you have people in your scumlist and people beneath me.

Yetttt you’ve yet to move your vote from me?

@Hazardwaste Funny tell?

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With the context that I’m pretty sure Firinn is NOT normally a forum mafia player, let alone a mash player, but BOTC which from my limited knowledge of people explaining it to me in the discord requires time management and processing skills I can’t see how it’s not honest

IDK if its truly AI but it’s not something they’d normally not do?

You’re extremely funny today. It’s suspicious


BradLand’s posts that I’ve seen have been towny

VOTE: luxy

i only remember the game where you blatantly lurked

i feel like she’s making snap gutreads based on realtime which is fakeable etc but my mental model was that she’d be doing less as mafia, which may be inaccurate

I think you’ll find I’ve been looking for elsewhere to go, I just haven’t found it yet

even brad’s posts I haven’t seen are

which one was that again

So…none of these?

it was a MU anniversary game iirc i’m not looking it up

Prolly 2022.

What’s the case on Luxy?

i think i only played in one

i lurked because I forgot about it started :dizzy_face:

I’m putting it out there and no one is really engaging with me, there’s no point sitting on a vanity wagon


That I haven’t removed my vote from Brad… literally a level 1 read lol

I’m a Clocktower Storyteller. Honestly the brain I’m using to approach this is much more esports brain than sdg game

Like in every overwatch team you have that one kid who refuses to play meta because “junkrat is just more fun” and you basically have to drag them kicking and screaming into the team or you have to kick them and find a tryhard

Basically I’m proposing we vote off all the junkrat mains and then those of us who want to try can actually have fun

Also @BradLand this was literally in the exact same post you just quoted

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