FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Also @BradLand this was literally in the exact same post you just quoted

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i need to sleep so iā€™m gonna stop for the night. normally i donā€™t post WIP readlists but iā€™ll do the town reads. some of the lower ones are fairly stale. not gonna lie, feels like a game where half the MU elites rolled mafia. i kind of think baudib1 did some scummy stuff that i donā€™t feel like elaborating on, would support a wagon on him but i think pressuring tutuu is fine. still donā€™t really trust the direction spf has taken.

moe moe kyun:

sugoi desu ne:

people sign up to overwatch to play teams

people load into tf2 to goof around and get a high killstreak

your example doesnt necessarily apply

whatā€™s the difference between moe moe and sugoi?

i think luxy is probably town but cba to explain it, seemed to have a genuine sorting process

top is strongest townreads. below that is townleans.

I mean you literally can start up a wagon?

Agree with all these but not entirely sure on Sadbi, can you explain?

Okay I have given up on backreading when there are active conversations now. Since I can just read all of it during the night. So Iā€™m just going to see what I can see on the moment and base my judgment from what I know. Since I think if I backread it all at night (itā€™s 11pm for me) Iā€™m going to lose all of it and just not type. But thatā€™s not helpful for anyone at all. So yeah. But currently based on the vote counts as of now I think at least ~20% have nothing behind it while the other ~80% have at least a motive behind it. But jeez thatā€™s a lot of one vote. But on the fact people are getting reads on others hats off to you I can barely do it in botc cus of experience but here itā€™s a different field and I have nothing I have gathered from the first 300 messages.

I see. That is a bit weird.

I assure you people do not load into overwatch to play teams.

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itā€™s heavy meta but they have been wearing their feelings about their game on their sleeve and tinfoiling the players i would expect them to as town

Going to call it a night for real now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

my agenda is that junkrat mains should be killed and their brains dissected in a lab to understand what is wrong with them

Is anybody able to put this roughly into Splatoon terms or do I just have to estimate ā€œinkbrushā€ myself

I donā€™t have any particularly strong wolfreads as was indicated in that post, I havenā€™t played in two years and Iā€™m putting my ideas out there for people to engage with, and hopefully actually develop some stronger reads.

Iā€™ll move my vote when I feel like moving it, itā€™s not like youā€™re going to be lynched today and I wonā€™t be going to bed for another 6 hours at least so youā€™re unlikely to be my final vote for today.

This is silly

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reads so far take 1;


I see. Minebrush

You definitely canā€™t (and shouldnā€™t)