FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Anyways back to work, I won’t get out of work till it’s session, so let me know who to shoot

may why are you yellow
Its odd for you fellow

I tried to check the superlikes but at a glance I don’t think the wolftream coordinated to utilize tuutuus role at all.

Unless I don’t understand how it works. :X

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Never let me cook EOD

…other non-mash games
i dont think ive played with marl in a madh where he was town

VOTE: Italy

Read my achro case i think it could help, althouth i ultimately town read em

My thoughts for current ITA list:

I believe this should be a good start to discussion, at least.

it be like that

holy shit

Tutuu did something like this with May in Popcorny, so it’s not entirely out of their range.

Don’t make eye contact

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May is yellow

(Well gold)


Yawn man at least nobone will try to hero shot me in ITAs

Gonna be pissed if that poison came from town

I’m ngl I think the poisoner is likely town and thought that Achro is town, Leafia’s push is wolfy, and Leafia tmi’d Creature as her teammate

It’s like super easy to see that possibility imo

Piss yellow*

eliza you might have just blown yourself up…ok well maybe not

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frost can you quickly give reads
i’m gonna actually read sod now

Also I’m not gonna claim lock clear, but after bagging a wolf can @Jinrou et al. back tf off?