FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

yes (i get 2 because i’m special but unless you’re special you’re stuck with 1)


50 damage shots yeah thats what my role does

isn’t bionic’s meta to slank as wolf? I doubt
you know what the fuck you are talking about

/ITA Italy @FAMHost

damn @Italy you feeling good buddy you’re pouring blood

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

it’s not dodging there’s a damage system these have all hit
i’m just very persistent

remember tho

The shot connects.

nah i’d win

ive seen him lowpost as town

Ohh we do? Then shoot a way


@zugzwang @may @wazza @jarek @pandora @ElizaThePsycho

ok i will trust /ITA ITALY @Famhost

i hope this ios right formatting im so tires

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guys what if Italy is a juggernaut and has like inf health idk

i miss the bug in epicmafia where it would just spam the bleeder message over and over and you couldnt get rid of it


i wonder if this is rand!w

… seriously stop shooting italy

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im not sure if she was acting as if she was outed and just went for the top of acceptable list