FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

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Direct hit! @Italy has died! Stand by for flip.


2 shots in a row gave a “Miss” on Jake, meaning that Jake was immune to those shots. We think he’s overall ITA immune, and he claimed he tried to shoot Brad last night but it failed because Brad’s a Guild Leader (which Brad did not deny). ITA immune vig is sus as hell

ok jiinrous prob town lol

thats notfair

Gonna be pretty pissed if Italy is a wolf with infinite HP

oh they can die, amazing

Pew pew

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In fact I think we should execute Jinrou in honor of Leafia

she knew she was outed

assume she knew it. Why does she shoot me?

Just to make sure i got it right

If someone was angeled, the same message that we got by shooting jake would appear, right?

Subsequent shots on Italy will be refunded.


99% of fam players quit before they hit it big?

Italy was Mafia

Text-based rolecard

Oh nvm


Jinrou was claimed Saint (loses for town immediately if executed), and was confirmed by like 3 people iirc

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boom bye

oh god finally