FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2


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I wish you luck on this

I cleared the slot within 5 minutes but you are so tunneled that nobody lsitens to the one braincell left In the room.

/ita alexandra @FAMHost

Towny post

Its not about the vote its about sending a message
VOTE: wazza

Why am I being called out for this, I literally said I had no opinion on Magnus

The only reason I believed they should’ve been shot was because they were gonna end up as ITA fodder if the game continued ffs

I did lower their hp so their odds of dying are higher

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The Shot Connect!

yes, but that does not make them a villager now.

they took over a player that didn’t play and could be any alignment.

Horray for Papercuts!

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dum is claiming mech that points to zug being v

why is jarek not being shot? jane was pretty confident there i think nya?

/ITA Alexandra

need to ping hosts

Shooting magnus and alexandra is everyone ok with this?

4 oercent charge

magnus ded

Magnus is dead already
