FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

you should see my n1 submission window, it was fuckin wild

… i cant have been wrong on EVERY SINGLE READ, right?

Sounds like one of those roles on crack wonderful like the mafia (joking)


unless your rendition sounds like something scratching outside my window that i can only hear when my ear is facing upright owo

then i don’t dislike it owo

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VOTE: yawn

Pretty easily you could have


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yes you are. impressively so.


But also I’m town and 100% always dying tonight

nyeh nvm
VOTE: jarek
assuming meuh flips to itas, whatever vengeful is probably best executed
but also probably doesn’t matter, shoot this in itas too unless we have another confident scum


selkie i have no clue what u we’re trying to signal so i yolod

turns out not knowing what your role does leads to you submiting some weird shit to get it to work, my first attempt to pick a player was myself bc i was botc brained so i ended up trying to submit shit like “The Emote :wowee:” before getting to a legal submission JHKGDJGKHAW


That is uhhm weirdly specific, what ability would the hosts disallow from killing ur own faction if u were a wolf, enough to state it in their ability?


yeah and @Jarek who is vengeful on doesn’t matter tho

self implosion

omg based