FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

could reassess and holster owo

Wolf killpower we’ve flipped:

  • tutuu D1 (infinite shot likevig)
  • Kiiruma D2 (infinite shot poisoner)
  • Someone D4 (3-shot, non-N1 vig)
  • Achro D5 (1-shot dayvig)
  • Boob1 D5 (infinite shot vig)
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not shooting in ita1 is a foreign concept to me… i do not understand

We think there’s also a backup who can inherit KP who backed up the likevig N2

which one of these was the super like kill nya owo

VOTE: Millium

I’m not actually confident on this nya.

Just a nya-holder since I need time.

I shot

Learn the art of patience

although now I think about it

surely by now achro/boob have told them their first post needs to be a superpowered invest

so annoyingly the claim probably won’t be clearing

idk, hope to talk with u about ot later


Only Hallia and uhhh I think dyachei were eligible, but Apo claims to have jailed Hallia so she wouldn’t die

oh, at who sorry? owo?


At achro

Should i shoot bystander

It won’t be clearing, which is why I said to use your judgement. All we can do is our best. Good luck

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Yeah sure htat’s fine

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Ngl bros i have a big tinfoil

You won’t like it

ah gotcha owo

missed yours at the top owo

is it may owo
