FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 6 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
5 an_gorta_slanktai Kanave, Hallia, CarrotyReaper, ElizaThePsycho, bystander
1 BradLand ash4fun
1 dyachei an_gorta_slanktai
1 bystander Ephemera
1 Ephemera BradLand
4 Not Voting dyachei, Jarek, Millium, Selkie
1 Unrecognized neil_the_eel (for sleep)
Raw VC for the plugin

an_gorta_slanktai (5): Kanave, Hallia, CarrotyReaper, ElizaThePsycho, bystander
BradLand (1): ash4fun
dyachei (1): an_gorta_slanktai
bystander (1): Ephemera
Ephemera (1): BradLand
sleep (1): neil_the_eel

Not Voting (4): dyachei, Jarek, Millium, Selkie

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

I’m fine with 12 hour day phases now? Or the addition of hammers, but TBH that’s up to the hosts, since they have to do all the night actions


im tired

i hope at the end of this someone tells me im severely misusing and misunderstanding my role and someone calls me an idiot

I’d rather not you go on Ephemera if you’re a possible roleblocker.


I guess we’re going VOTE: slanktai

I feel very bored atm

im not a roleblocker, im the opposite of one

Well rolestopper from what you’re saying? That’s kinda just roleblocker.

a motivator?

rolestopper is like the opposite of roleblocker. if i roelstop eph it means ppl cant interact w them but their actions are fine xP

iirc rolestopper is closer to doctor but protects against all actions

So like, target X, and anyone else targeting X is blocked


Oh so a trapper

Then no don’t go on Ephe.

why wouldnt you go jarek?

no, its a rolestopper not a tracker

Go on someone else in the POE that isn’t me.

Maybe Dya since I dont think they actually have a night action if it’s just the shots and people are paranoid there.

i think its more advantageous for me to go on eph

why would i go on someone in poe?


I feel like it’s probably best used as a doctor

so like, maybe protect carroty?