2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

@Daeron meet with me next round? I have a deal for you :face_with_monocle:

Ok actually I might just make the president and bomber immune since it’s really weird otherwise

maybe add enlisted to prevent hostage sniping tbh

that’s what Blue Security / Red Pirate are for

terrorists so broke they’re hiring medieval pirates smh

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i was in the mood for some game brewing

how about this for a setup:

r/b bomber/president

r/b ambassador, with these changes:
-only allowed to be at one room at a time (one thread). they start in different rooms. they may change their room once during the middle of the phase, and once during the end phase, each round, before hostages are revealed. host needs to manually kick them out and add them
-allowed to vote
-nobody is allowed to unilaterally give them card or color information in private meetings
-allow players to opt out of randing (more visible)

r/b pirate:
-once per game may publicly reveal their card and choose a player in their room. that player must be one of the hostages
-must be used in the first half of the phase

r/b security:
-once per game may publicly reveal their card and pick a player. that player can’t be sent as a hostage this turn
-must be used in the first half of the phase

-it and pirate effects cancel each other out. allow players to proxy submit that action such as “if anyone uses pirate/secutiy action on X, i will use my action on X or Y” or anything that can be followed logically / is objective or public information. (for long form convenience)

r/b rat:
-once per game may publicly reveal their card and enter the other room. at the end of the round, return to the previous room
-they can’t be elected as a hostage in the new room, but they can vote to usurp leaders (unlike in the original rulebook)
-must be used in the first half of the phase

(this gives each team 4 roles that can serve as majority breakers)

r/b coyboy

r/b shy guy

r/b spy

then, for the neutrals. if odd number of players, the sole neutral:

-clone: you win if the alignment of the first player you colored shared with wins
-robot: you win if the alignment of the first player you colored shared with loses
-you’re not allowed to card reveal or share, only color share (just like the coyboy) (unlike the original clone and robot roles)
-(it will be randed by the host which one of clone/robot gets in the game)

if even number of players:

bounty hunter and freedom fighter:
-your colors are both gray and blue (and grey and red for the other)
-at the end of the game, privately submit a guess for the identity of the other one. if you successfully guess them and they don’t guess you, you win, and they lose.
-if you both guess each other, or if neither guesses the other, then you instead both become vanilla blue / vanilla red, and win and lose with blue and red teams

r/b vanillas, to fill the rest of the playerlist count

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I would rather not vanillas. But i can understand them

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don’t forget the doctor and the engineer

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Oh no yeah the changes to ambassador a great

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iirc security and pirate are supposed to just be blue security and red pirated paired
but im not sure why so

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A romeo/juliet or butler/maid neutral could be good too.


i think Agents are good to get people out of “don’t talk ever” situations
for increasing playercounts you could also add Red/Blue negotiator


i think that r/b rat proobably isnt compatible with ambassadors but not sure

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Maybe to not have 2 hostages forced in a 1 hostage situation and so they don’t easily overlap


the coy boys the shy guys and the spies are generally necessary tho i agree

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tbf in the original game its just whoever goes first
but that wouldnt work longform so


ironically negative utility characters such as coy boy and shy guy are generally more fun to play than vanillas ime

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shy guy less so but

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ah yeah could maybe just cancel eachother then