Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

wow u take a cold shower for 14 hours


the amount you joke about may having simps makes me think you just wish you had simps


Can I bother you about it here?


But will you?

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Only if they’re up for it.

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Sure! Balancing a mash is difficult because they’re always extremely high variance. That’s not to say you cannot do things to balance things as best you can, but you’ll never reasonably prevent one side getting blown out and the game looking like a stomp. Something I always try to do (or insist the hosts of a game do if I’m acting in more of a consultant/reviewer capacity) is to balance KP between the village and wolves (you count the daily elimination as 1 KP for the village). A kill is X-shot or doesn’t occur every cycle reliably, you adjust it assuming there will be 5 cycles e.g. a 1-shot kill is 0.2 KP/cycle, a 2-shot kill is 0.4 KP/c, etc. Odd/Even Vigis I always balance as 0.5 KP/c and just try to remember that the ENV is slightly worse. You only count ITAs toward KP after buffs and I usually ignore small buffs and don’t worry about it until it gets above like 0.3 or 0.4 KP/c (this has never really caused an issue and keeps things easier while balancing). While ITA buffs are worse for wolves in theory, you have to balance it the same, and just don’t put a lot of wolf KP into ITAs.

I use the following as rough estimation for the amount of KP/c each faction should have (you cannot forget to count the elimination/factional towards this total):

  • 50 players: 3 (2 after factional/elimination)
  • 60 players: 3.5 (2.5 after factional/elimination)
  • 70 players: 4.25 (3.25 after factional/elimination)
  • 80 players: 5 (4 after factional/elimination)

This is flexible (especially at higher player counts), but wouldn’t do more than +0.5 KP/c on both sides for the most part, and I would really not recommend going down all that much unless you have a lot of planned event deaths or something. Each side should have at least 1 backup that can backup a vigi to reduce variance. Additionally, you don’t want KP concentrated onto only a handful of roles (again for variance reduction reasons), and need to make the kills you spread out can’t all be used in the same cycle and aren’t spread out between cycles 1 through 5 (anything that happens on cycle 6 might as well not exist most of the time so it’s better to make sure it happens before cycle 6 the vast majority of the time).

I usually use the rule of 1 village alignment cop per 40 players. I rarely use multiple alignment cops, but instead have the equivalent clear generation spread across the game. Using this rule the village gets usually slightly less than 1 clear per cop per game which is seems weird, but they always die insanely fast or out their checks right away which leads them to dying. Mashes are big games though and the village needs this sort of explicit power to have a shot most of the time.

Beyond that, you want to give both factions a spread of roles of different kinds like each side wants a roleblocker and a few non-clear generating cops. Things that can be particularly brutal like Jailkeepers or Watchers you want to limit to approximately 1 per game. As the game gets bigger you can start adding more blocker esque roles, but you’re gonna stick to single digits. Village protection is weird and often doesn’t matter all that much, but you want a few protection roles of varying strengths depending on game size. I think wolf night protection sucks a whole lot, but if you really have to do it, give them a jailkeeper in place of a roleblocker.

That’s pretty much it though. I don’t have hard numbers for how much of each thing you should have because it’s really contextual in a mash with non-vanilla roles, but as long as you’re thinking about each role in context of the larger game, it should be fairly intuitive when you have too much or too little of something.


why is mcdonalds always so stingy with their salt
what does this random fast food worker stand to gain from cheaping out on me
it’s not coming out of your pay
just salt my damn fries



i got a free burger the other day because i didnt have enough on me and i thought i did
the workers took pity on me and gave me it anyway


nbowie daily schedule:

4 am - wake up
4 - 5 am - be gay
5 - 6 am - think about playing mafia
6 - 9 am - talk about mafia theory
10 am till noon - eat hot chip
noon till 2 pm - feed pet tutuu
2 pm - 4 pm - fam
4 pm - 6 pm - fam but gayer
6 pm - 10 pm - meow at her cats
10 pm - 12 am - fam


when you look like a tiny baby animal with snoot up close how could they refuse? i bet you were tearing up too

i’m unsure if you’d be incredibly surprised about how i go about my life or not


i have no ideaaa what do you dooo

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your greed is hurting the ecoNaClomy

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Ivy took Nameless Fetus

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And the train

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send them my condolences

@May you should take this

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in the meantime there is also mourning for you