Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i’m unsure if you’d be incredibly surprised about how i go about my life or not


i have no ideaaa what do you dooo

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your greed is hurting the ecoNaClomy

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Ivy took Nameless Fetus

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And the train

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send them my condolences

@May you should take this

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in the meantime there is also mourning for you


There are two things that can trip you even when the numbers look good, and one of them is making too much KP too conditional/slow for one particular faction and the other is not factoring in human behavior or social dynamics strongly enough.

I’ve talked about Halloween 2 in various contexts, but it had 2 wolf factions and beyond the factional and a second factional that was controlled by whichever wolf faction had fewer living players, the KP for both was either slower than we realized or a bit too restrictive. The wolves lost this game, and I think a part of that was them being underpowered. I don’t remember exactly how we distributed KP, but I think all 3 factions may have been balanced, but I’m not sure that’s correct. Slightly more power may need to go to the wolf pack, but I just haven’t made/seen enough multi-ball mashes to really say.

Bastard Mash 5 had a couple roles that were a bit game warping, and each faction had one. The village had a triple commuter (they commuted themselves and 2 other players, and created a hood for the night), and they could only be killed during the day or by someone in their hood. The wolves missed their opportunity to anti-claim it (which honestly I’m not even sure if it bypassed commute in that game :grimacing:), and by the time a wolf got into the hood, there were so few wolves they the wolf didn’t want to straight up out by killing the commuter. It should’ve been easier to interact with, or just not usable literally every night.

The other role was, uh, complicated. It was a wolf role with the ability “you die last” which made them a bastard level of deathproof meaning they could literally never die (even if eliminated) unless modkilled. This role white-flagged so if they were the last living wolf, the wolves lost which was why we thought it was a role we could at least consider running. It was also announced as an innocent child and a godfather which we thought was just funny and was irrelevant to the actual power level of the role given the rest of it and it being an explicitly bastard game. The thing is players really do not like it when you fuck with players being voted out, and the player with this role was (Katze), it broke the will of the village and there was SALT post-game. I think just announcing ahead of time that this role could not be eliminated would solve that sort of worst case scenario. Most of the time I think it’s not that bad, but it’s because it was on a player who was able to leverage being deathproof to have thread presence and recover after being seen as a consensus wolf that it become especially salt-inducing. The last wolf was super deep, and if that wasn’t true it probably doesn’t go the way it did, but yeah it was a disaster and we could have prevented it if we hedged against the absolute worst case scenario.

In MU Anni 2020, we had a role “Mafia Hellbussing Vigilante” or something, and the gist is it could gladiate every day, and if they gladiated another wolf and won, they could use a strongarm vigi during the night (and nothing if they gladiated a villager). If they ever holstered the gladiate, they lost the vigi shot permanently. This role was fucking reviled by the village in post-game. The player who randed it (Ara) used it perfectly, but the thing we thought made it okay (it’s suspicious as hell that a player domes a wolf every day and never dies) just never happened. The village never questioned that she was town. It’s genuinely kind of amazing to me that a role based on notorious hellbusser Voxxicus actually played out the way it does for the player (kill all of your partners and ride on that cred to victory). The main takeaway here for me was that villagers will rarely question level 1 appearances. If you make a role that looks villagery, they’re going to think it’s a villager even if there are other reasons they should not. (This is also true of things like Godfathers: the village isn’t going to question the peek until the moment they literally have to.) On a very high level, the role was always balanced numbers wise and the utility was purely qualitative (it at best exchanges the worst wolf for the best villager), but the significant issue was that it could just do this every day and never die and sort of snowball off of itself (you lock clear someone for killing a wolf every day, you always vote for the other person when they gladiate). Funny that you can actually break something like a compulsive loyal gladiator if you try hard enough.



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also yeah pretty much

if your mash doesn’t have a vt with a longer rolecard than the entire rest of the game is it really a good mash


the train really isnt that hard
fetus is just really stupid annoying

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nbow what’s your opinion on the mafia’s kp being the factional, an every night vig, one (1) joat kill, a (potential) backup for either of the previous two, and an antiflavorclaim strongman every 3 nights in a 63 player game where town has 2 exes per day

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the train requires constant attention which is essentially fucking impossible during a certain very enjoyable segment of the game

why does town has 2 exes per day


tell you when i get there

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i cant wait for some big nerd to dissect grey’s recent posts during the game like “uhm ACKSHUALLY this claim is FAKE because grey said they don’t like putting this in the game”
and theyre gunna be so wrong


it may take you a hundred hours or so

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