A very sad day for a certain Leafeon

I’m crying tight now. I just can’t believe it happened.

My cousin Heather passed away last night/this morning. I saw her at our fsmily gathering on Christmas. It was her birthday yesterday too and she called it the best birthday ever. We think she choked on her vomit in her sleep.

Cries I feel so awful right now. I’m not planning of outing out of the two games I’m inned into though as I think I’ll need them to help me recover from this and I think I’ll need all of you more than ever now. Please lend me your support everyone.


choking on vomit?
how do you even figure that out?

No idea. We don’t know exactly how it happened.

I want to help you, but I am honestly unsure how to help you other than by sending you virtual hugs.


Leafhugs back Thanks Zone. That helps a lot.

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sorry to hear this. make sure you don’t rely on forum mafia to keep your mind off things - some more relaxing activities might work better


Video games will help too as well as the support from my friends.

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So sorry for your loss, Leafia :cry:

I recently lost my only American cousin to cancer right before last Thanksgiving. It was unexpected since she had been pretty much recovered or so they thought and then suddenly got worse. I always expected that I’d get a chance to visit her again after returning to the US but unfortunately not anymore. :cry:


I’m very sorry for your loss too and thanks for your support. Losing someone unexpectedly is never easy.


Im so sorry for your loss.

For whatever its worth, here’s a internet hug :people_hugging:

I hope you manage to continue enjoying yourself, its not “wrong” to try to have fun to get your mind off these things.

See you around,

-A internet friend.


Thanks and I think I will. You’re right too. Wallowing in despair and sadness never helped anyone. The best thing I can do now is immerse myself in the things I love to help me cope.


Im so sorry. :ghosthug:


I’m so sorry for your loss Leafia.

Her last memories will have been of family and a great birthday; which you all gave to her. Despite it being sad, I think it’s powerful knowing that on her last day you and your family gave her one of the best days of her life. My condolences, Leafia.


That’s honestly one of the best things you can do yeah. I’m sorry this has happened to you and your family Leafia, we’re here and hopefully by doing games with us it’ll help you a bit :ghosthug:


From what I heard, she ate out at Congress with a friend, the local pizza place around here yesterday the day of her birthday and you’re right about that.

Also, Congress is the name of the pizza place, not with a friend. Giggles a tiny bit Holding up as well as can be expected right now. Your support has helped a lot and means so much to me. Thank you so much everyone. You’re all such wonderful friends.


Thank you. You’re right and I think they will help.

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At least her last day with us was her best. May her memory live on as though she was still with us.

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True and agreed. She’ll never be forgotten.

I’m really sorry to hear that, my condolences.


Thank you.