Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

In too tured ti brish my teeht or tirhnonff the lgihts

not good enough for me!

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That’s a lot of pressure on me, I’m going to need assistance for that

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I mz ehe enarnbe he r

Btje ggunsiad all ymspalton clips eren imrowsiveneben thenunimpresivenone s he was tii micun Im goingnton kilnfhim

@TodaysStory can you please do this to may so she snaps out of it and starts acting like a normal person

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i hate gen z

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i prefer my syndicate boomers right now. with their punctuation and capitalization




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go slep

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That was only me.

How cute of May to call out my name as she sank into a restless sleep.

I’m not a fan of Eliza’s flagging inactivity but I don’t think it’s groupscum-indicative. That read was exactly correct in ToS2 so I’m standing by it meaning nothing just yet.

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I didn’t want to say “grammar police”, why did you answer like this?

hey that’s a good catch :)

I dont remember, I was trying to be funny

it’s the spongebob meme yanno

I think you made a mistake then.