Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

I mean…read it?

If i asked for attitude would have said so.

If this is what pigeons ability is should wait for pigeon to nominate before anyone else makes nominations?

Cause from what it reads the triple kill plan can only work on pigeons nominations.

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Something that’s worth repeating from earlier as well is that Pigeon’s nominations aren’t necessarily ordered.

We have twelve total players. Part of me wonders whether it’s worth the triple execution today. It isn’t as if we’d waste his ability by not using it now.

Well we wouldnt want to use it tomorrow during the evil twin organ grinder shit.
So if its not today its day 3

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I forgot about the most protown Alchemist, my bad.

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@thepigeonnyc are u gunna use ur ability?

if ur unsure on ur targets i suggest beancat, story, eliza

two of those havent posted yet and one has a few posts

mostly trying to push the game forward

jester could easily be in there but hey - ive got no better idea

Woah woah I don’t think my ability should be used on people just for having not posted, as we want my nominations to be a death sentence

I feel unsure about Bean, mainly because her ability has mechanical purpose. Those three names really are all shrug kills but I don’t dislike them.

In your opinion, what justifies death in a Mafia game?

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Well u got 10 hours to decide, and cant use ur ability d2 as votes will be hidden and wolves or jester will mess it up

That was just my suggestion if u wanted targets

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I have no real scumreads on the active posters

Magnus hazard zorvo are my townreads, unordered

Im fine with losing to a 0 posting jester that about sums up the jester experience


May could just genuinely be the Jester, to be fair. I wouldn’t put it past her to claim as such.


Beancat is apparently being dealt with via zorvo anyway.

so what do you wanna use it on?

it would be a perfect end to the game


I am trying to think if its worth to even use my ability today… its probably more useful later game to stop annoying abilities huh.
oh wait actually we could do the pigeon plan tomorrow if i poison tutuu

I’m assuming Kabazame is town until we have reason to believe otherwise, and the lack of focus on his slot makes me think others feel the same way.

oh I wasn’t paying attention that killing jester ends the game. I figured they win and the game goes on

Probably better not to use pigeon’s ability then

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