Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

And update them with time, which I’m bad at doing. It’s perfectly fine to go against your past self, just keep in mind why t!you is doing that. If your reads are too static, that’s obviously gonna raise suspicion as well

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It is not May :(


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I’m sorry but you lack the key May Insights

I think my main problem on my last two wolf games was that I couldn’t keep up with the thread and only focused on defense
And yeah my interactions with Leafia were weird (but I don’t regret them because I enjoyed the air conditioner bit)

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I’d laugh if May’s Jester.

Bean and Eliza mafia with May jester is lol.

I don’t need to acknolwedge your floundering!! It is evident!!! Calling people out as wolf when it’s just you and them in thread is deeply unproductive and leads into nonsense arguments. What you wanna do is draw out more floundering

Nah but Animal is probably town.

I have no clue what the second part means

This is TMI, I am wolves with Bean

What the hell is Zorvo doing



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That’s conf bias
Because you happened to choose bean at the start of the game
What do you have on bean anyway?

Voting Eliza. :upside_down_face:
Who isn’t Jester.