Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Wait no that’s different?

That was me saying the Praise God event was ending then.


“I see” not innochild

You are a guilty child Achromatic

I don’t wanna continue this conversation, as I’ve made clear, I am tired and I have not eaten lunch and I want to give it some time before I come back to your alignment. Please stop trying to get me to respond

Who the hell made the wish to shorten day

… this is the only wish I can find today.

Isn’t Emperor used after the day ends? Also Emperor doesn’t learn the alignment of someone they veto
This looks like a scum doing a last ditch attempt to survive, really don’t like this

Is it. Is it Pigeon/Animal


:seal: :thought_balloon::speaking_head:


You wished… to say arrchromarrtic, or to be able to talk in emojis?

:popcorn::brain::seal::thought_balloon: :x: :sunny: :seal: :speaking_head::question::question::question:



I still don’t know what the popcorn means


I’m the popcorn?


arr arr arr!

I would ask why but I’m not sure you have the vocabulary to explain