Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

oh shit we have 3 minutes left

Magnus i am sorry i could not save you. in return i will save gar in your name.

What is a Mez word?!

BOTC character.
1-shot Mafia Consensual Converter.

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It’d be dum to do that lol

its a joke dw. its up to you what you wanna do with the word gar

Gar, what are your thoughts on shapes in general?

Shapes are… Shapey

they finally saw the generic light. thankyou mag

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The Takis have forsaken me

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You didn’t realise I was talking about the Shapes brand of chips.

Gar got it before Hazard.

Shapes arent chips

Look at this delay. Yeah.


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thepigeonnyc (7): Magnus, Hazardwaste, tutuu, May, Garfooled, ElizaThePsycho
ElizaThePsycho (1): thepigeonnyc
Magnus (420) - Achromatic

Not Voting (2): Porscha, beancat

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The Emperor God @Achromatic has choosen to Pardon Magnus for their crimes…

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Pigeon has been executed and dies. The Emperor did not spare his life.

Pigeon was jester and failed his win condition of getting exiled while meeting a specific post minimum.

Night three starts.