Yeah, we should decide on 3 people to ladder and have bean flip a coin on who to swap outside of that
Not a coin but you know
Cool, you’re the Witch Doctor.
chop may today
bean swaps role of pigeon and one between { tutuu, garfooled, magnus, hazard} (without saying who)
tomorrow the ladder nominates eliza, porscha, beancat
if mafia is in there we win if they do nothing. they’re forced to sabotage. they get outed and we kill them d6
if mafia isn’t there, we play f4 with tutuu, garfooled, magnus, hazard
if we go for the eliza chop route today, if game doesn’t end, we just get 2 normal chops afterwards. using ladder poses risk to lose game. so may and + 1
imo first route gives us 2 extra chops with no risk and is optimal, even tho i think eliza is more scummy than may
More on that
It can support people but leave me defenseless if it’s misused
Scary thought
I’m always down to exsanguinate my friends. This would be my thought process.
Could Hazard hypothetically negate votes on himself?
Oh we’re friends now are we?
Not “mere acquaintances”
What would happen if one jails themself?
I have always referred to May as my friend. But yes, anyone I have ever wolfed with is also a friend to me.
It would cause a paradox.
What about “had an adventure with”?
What do you mean, ‘had’?
I feel like using the word would just complicate things probably
Maybe I should use it only after asking another question
Oh true
It’s still ongoing
It’s just dead silent
i would think thats not how it works. cause i also poison myself in turn making me useless for that day
The magic number is 93. Why? Don’t worry about it.
(I know.)