Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)


I don’t mean it I’m sorry Litten.

Wait Arctic’s a spectator I should’ve—

Clearly I’m a dictator

It’s another favouritism thing don’t worry.

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I’m the hosts’ little special person.


You can take the attention if you like.

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So no head dictatorship?

Nonono it’s alright, you can have it all

Have a good night. I sheep the correct worldview.

If you insist.

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Goo night

Wouldn’t the wolves be able to kill the ladder? Roles are publicly knowm

And after past events I don’t wanns rely on a successful ladder going through, if someone sabotages it causing a no exe like last time then we have literally one chance to get the wolf and I’m not 100% it’s Eliza

We have one wolf left and three executions, I’ve lost from this position, I don’t wanna risk anything. Of course, that’s with knowing I’m town, but

Oh wait jester is dead only the last remaining wolf would sabotage. Still the murder thing is an issue

Like it was announced when I became the emperor would it be announced hwen bean swaps two roles

They wont know who beancat swapped it to unless im misunderstanding the role

Is the swap public? Does it happen end of day or end if night?

We have 3 executions but we can have 5 instead

I find this suspicious

U said that animal is mafia

From your pov, past experience use of ladder was good, because a wolf outed by sabotaging it

Why is it bad now? Why wouldnt you be sure that the saboteur is mafia? I read the part where u realize jester is dead but i still dont understand u here