Hear that, tutuu. I’m professional. SO professional. I do lots of professions, and profess things
Prove it
Profess rn that you’re the mafosi
Professional standards prohibit me from lying
All I’m asking for is that game masters
drape me in fawn skins before a big mafia game
, and provide me with a small, but loyal coterie of hungry coyotes to keep my opponents and teammates
Eliza (5): May, Coyote 1, Coyote 2, Coyote 3, Coyote 4
Someone bring back wishes so I can wish for fawn skins and coyotes. The Wavelength one was disappointing. None of you bitches will play Wavelength with me
Should’ve wished for codenames
I would’ve been more receptive
We had a Codenames night in a Discord server I was in recently and it was great love some Codenames
Bring this back at some point
I have looked over participation in the Mole event and found it lacking. With apologies, I am afraid I must cancel the event. I will perhaps run a game like this some day as advertised, as many of you did enjoy it!
Bah. Who was the mole
Oh shit i was off. Tutuu that quiz worked fucking wonders. I even went through the whole thing an everything was correct. How did you do that?
I like the idea of the mole. But i think it does need its own game with seperate challenges to complete which reward town for winning or reward the mole for making the town lose. Just so people have more information outside of randomly guessing
who is nominated master litten