Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Eliza and May.


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This is a perfect description of May’s voice. It’s very memorable.


3 minutes until nominations close.

Is the magic number still 93?

I am perpetually indignant.

are noms closed litten

Nominations are closed. Vote in your class cards. Votes are not public today.

Your options are Eliza and May

oh fuck forgot to stop that hold on

@tutuu wait actually do you want me to stop this or?

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In all fairness you heard me playing Splatoon when I was quite literally wailing and screaming all the time because I was mad at everybody around me


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yeah there is probably no reason to not stop it

Oh wow votes are public again. Not sure what caused that, must have been magic.

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cough anyway

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I made an Excel sheet like that too
Got either you or Zorvo

I didn’t do a second one with my score though
Maybe that’s where I went wrong

But could Bean perform two actions in the same phase?

I have no idea why Eliza’s mind jumped to this idea first.