Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

VOTE: Litten

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Nominations have closed. Your options are: Porchsa and Eliza. Let me set up VC.

VOTE: Pors

VOTE: Porscha

litten you failed

it’s votecount right

no its alive


By the way. If it is no longer mechanically possible for any side to win, the game will end. The game continues.

@Hazardwaste won the poetry contest. As such their vote will count as 2 today.

VOTE: Porscha

Do you think Porscha’s evil, or is this self-pres?

VOTE: Eliza

What do you guys believe
Animal or May being the mafosi?

Because it’s easier to believe May is town and pursue partners of Animal

If it’s May, it’s trickier
If it’s Animal, you take care of the ladder folk
(Preferably not tutuu)

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Going with this
VOTE: Eliza

I think it was Story.
Looking mainly at EOD1’s behaviour.

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