Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

that makes alot of sense

i think that putting in the rolecard in the OP “jester needs to make X amount of posts at minimum to win” in an open setup game would be good

because currently there’s an information disparity - we now know that you like to do hidden min post quotas for ur jesters. but someone else signing up for a future game of yours wouldnt, and they would expect there to be no such thing if its another open setup

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not very good

Yes but that information is potentially harmful to balance in and of itself and can be gamed.

yeah so remove that information by making it all public is my point

in futures I just don’t want jesters in my setups, I thought it was a fun novelty but game ending jester just sucks as a concept

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i invited min fully expecting him just to hang out in meowcord and then he actually popped off in the game. it was hilarious. he kept on drawing sad seels with the fucking teruya spike


i think he means if someone reaches post min but not jester post min they can be confirmed as not jester

which imo is why this different post min thing just shouldnt have existed

I disagree with this on a balance basis. Not all information is good to have public, even if I didnt do anything zany this game. Knowing about post count restrictions is not needed to solve the game for any faction imo

meowcords strongest soldier I cant lie. I dont know how he did that he could literally only make seal noises and carried

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i am glad i could communicate with seal at somepoint through morse code

Interacting with Animal was fun
I didn’t want to see them gone lowkey

Animal execution was heart breaking


did he ever even use the morse code. he told me he didnt want to

@min Is the true mvp of this game

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also @min was fantastic and super cute in DMs with me btw lol


he used it once.

lmao what did he say

unless both min and zenon were seals. one of them did

no abigail was uh. An uh