Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

not TOS

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Oh hey, you could let Story speak. I’d only do that if they asked for it in a gif, though.

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Oh I didn’t mean no attitude, I was just saying that it’s in the OP.

You can be online before nominations close, right Hazard?
If so, you don’t need to worry about casting a nomination, you can just head on and choose whomever.

i think the part i am more looking at in my ability is the ability to poison rather then protect a player from votes.

“Poison”, outed evil thanks.

I was referring to shutting off Story’s restriction, yeah.

probably with my sleep schedule

this line is confusing me. can you re say it i think my tired brain is jumbling it up

It’s worth it today because the longer we wait the greater chance the potential jester can get into that execution if that Jester isn’t May or Bean.

i mean thats basically what it is! i making peoples abilities not work!

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You can nominate tomorrow instead of tonight (in real time).

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Pigeon needs to try to choose 3 players he thinks can hit wolves.

ok cool i was stressing abit of what i was gonna do with that XD

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This implies the plan is to nominate more or less randomly into a POE, which tracks I guess.

Idk I feel like it can increase the chance for jester to win if it’s not Beancat.
Also, Day 1 town victory is based.

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That guys just null for me.

It’s good to use it IF we use it today.

Occam’s Razor presumes the Jester is May, in which case I respect and applaud them, but even without that the odds of Bean being the Jester is nothing more than rand.

He can literally kill both mafia or if beans a mafia, then pigeon can kill the other one.

Nobody has really mentioned Kabazame and his ability gives the best information we have at our disposal. I don’t think he’s dying today is what I mean.

Why did you call them a townread though specifically?