An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

I got distracted and spent about 1 hour of those 1 hour and 20 minutes postgaming in quizbowlcord

it was fun though so no regrets


and then came back at the near perfect time to respond to tutuu’s post

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But why did you unvote lol

yeah I spent the other 20ish minutes actually backreading, that just wasn’t enough to get caught up to realtime

then I got a notification for tutuu replying to me and went to see what she said

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im not legally allowed to answer this, ask in exactly 20 hours

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mildlyyyy non-villagery nuance


VOTE: guavagudetama

nah i’d say it’s NAI
feels like how I (as town) responded to being accused of scumslipping last game
the accusation against Arete is a lot less severe but if they’re trying to defend from it (as I’d expect them to do based on their posts earlier this game finding it strange that I chose not to defend myself) then it makes sense for them to explain in full

wouldn’t normally consider this worth posting but your post got 3 likes

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currently reading guava but remembered something I forgot to post earlier

makes Zorvo / Geyde unlikely w/w, because Agent47 had literally put “Geyde - town” in his reads list, so if Zorvo was partnered with Geyde he’d probably have noted that.

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this is so funny

this actually feels townie and I literally cannot justify that at all

fwiw the bolded is not wolfy for Zorvo


wait who is saying Arctic is out of scumrange, I don’t think that’s true

also he can fake this as mafia

(in the interest of transparency Arctic is probably my top “deepwolf” candidate at the moment, though that’s in part kind-of-silly preflip associations w.r.t. lol getting mildly less wolfy)

if it were deliberate I would parse it as more NAI probably, since in that case there’s obviously a significant joke element to it (though unpartnery with tutuu in particular)

don’t really think it’s Super meaningful for tutuu regardless of Zug alignment but I guess gun-to-head more likely to be a TMI-read on town!tutuu?

idk my dude I think it’s pretty clear :joy_cat:

I’m not sure but definitely not what he gave me

you are mistaken

the question was specifically “if there is a wolf voting for another wolf right now, who is it” - I thought lol’s vote for Jinxed was most likely of any of the existing votes to fit that, but there could also just. Not be a wolf voting for another wolf

help YBW is bullying me

wait no that’s the opposite of what I meant I want people to sell me on “people they think are town”

kinda think lol/Arctic is a ~difference check

more-than-kinda think that hard-pushing it as a difference check and being wrong is potentially very damaging

but yeah

…I guess actually the fundamental issue I have with Arctic’s slot is that I basically agree with his takes, but that’s all I can really say for him, and that’s scary because in bland/flavorless mountainous I also agreed with most of his takes but didn’t have much else (not counting bad and stupid reasons) to say for him, and he was mafia who was just reinforcing my wrong reads, and I’m scared that’s happening again.

I could write a banger wolfcase on Arctic but I wouldn’t Really Believe It. don’t really know what that means

fwiw I don’t really think Apo is wolf anymore

(does rain have a volume tell or is this generalized sortbypostcount)

was going to say this was mildly villagery but then I remembered that apparently lol is more insulting as mafia and now I’m not sure

unfortunately a lot of people there know each other in real life and are running around sharing personal identifying details in offtopic chat so idk if I can link the whole server

I am currently trying to find an easy way to just. export the game-relevant channels, which really seems like it should be doable but so far isn’t (I found an extension that wants me to pay money, and I tried copypasting but it’s not willing to let me copypaste an entire channel at once on either browser discord or regular discord)

(it was really fun though, stressful but fun – I’ve never randed wolf in that community before, so they let me get away with all kinds of random bullshit, like I hammered a villager the day before MyLo, which also killed another villager because they had a thing they needed to do to not die before EoD and they didn’t do it, and I still endgamed) (I thought it was MyLo but then the vig decided not to shoot an outed wolf which meant we couldn’t redirect them into a villager :()

don’t think Arctic is IC and specifically disagree with your reasons for thinking he is

have Porscha and Icet as null but idr what your reasoning was and I’m open to being convinced on them

another lolpost that I’m townreading for stupid reasons

and I’m caught up! hooray

taking suggestions for ways to export a Discord channel

The former.
Conpare fam3/KRC to guava’s towngames, and you largely see the difference

arete why is it so hard for you to townread me… i’m just an innocent little boy


Even in games he’s less active in because he has no idea what he’s doing, ala watchtower, he still had around 400 posts by eod3

I like this post, but given Zorvo’s blatant entropy, I can’t be too sure on it

I think he probably would’ve skimmed my list to see where he was on it as scum, at least

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hm okay

Lackadaisy FM - town, died day 1 - 165 posts

FAM3 thread 1 - wolf - 238 posts (too lazy to read through all the other threads unless you think I really should) but it’s FAM so most people are more active

?KRC FM - wolf, died day 6 - 442 posts

Wild West FM - wolf, died day 8 - 529 posts

April Showers rain was surv so I’m ignoring it

ENA Genie 13er - town, endgamed day 4 - 439 posts

Grand Idea - town, lived until game ended night 5, 263 posts

right now it doesn’t feel like an Obvious Trend but if there are games I should be looking at let me know

oh I missed Watchtower, it’s orange in the completed games post for some reason

This is a major difference

also was it d6

It was
I mixed up guava and magnus’ lynch timings

yeah I agree that those two games are different, but Grand Idea they had a relatively low postcount as (I think?) town (tbqh I stopped at Grand Idea because it made me think the pattern was fake)

guava hasn’t really made me feel anything this game

99% of people who ask for town reads are Mafia