An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

are these townreads now? at the top?

zorvo is gosted but give me the bomb so i can beat the wolf rand accusations

where else do townreads go

Second place doesn’t matter, I have literally double your posts

Legalise being dumb and stupid

i’m crying

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I am trying it as an experiment. Also, although I wasn’t meant to really change how I play, seeing the last wolf I railroaded day 1 be upset because my word is law did make me feel bad. I get that it is a game, we are here to have fun, but someone just being deleted day 1 because I say so while a neat party trick is… kind of lame. Plenty of players are very chill day 1 and vibe, make general reads, and get more serious later on. I can just be one of those players at least for a bit.

If they still yank me n1, then they do. That part’s a bit of a joke. The real reason is I want people to be able to have fun.


I’m on my evil arc

I just unlocked the polaroid in isaac. I’m gonna beat the chest now like a boss


Imagine having a evil arc

I want story to stay I like them they’re friend shaped


and that is lol’s one interaction

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Evil Arc Apo is when I start primarily wallposting

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just keep playing lol wolfes can only get better under pressure your logic makes no sense to me this is either an unecesary flex or straight up wolfy

VOTE: Apocryphal

not a fan of saying “yeah I’m gonna use a fallacy on purpose to TR someone” now that rvs is mostly over

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I thought I saw a post where they said “did I do a good May impression” which wouldn’t surprise me because the heads are dating after all and know each other pretty well + story has adopted a lot of May’s typing quirks


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oh wow oki ur town sweetheart :heart:

wittwe polarized awcy oiii oiii oiii oiii i scratch ur back ^-^