An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

I think it’s a top tier wolf team but not that.

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why do you think its a top tier wolf team and what is the top tier wolf team youre thinking of

No where did Arctic respond to that post.

I can see achro/tutuu

Idk where did you get arctic/porscha


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arctic is too apologetic before game even stsrted and porscha is in wolf meta


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lol/zorvo not w/w

If Porscha seems like wolf meta they can also be PR.
Keep that in mind.

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did porscha even post yet



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how much you wanna bet i put both pr in my list

1 is wolf 1 is town and then 2 prs

Wait that’s a good point.

Lol, how is Porscha in their wolf meta?

not posting is wolf meta

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The game started roughly an hour ago.

he responded to post 366, the question I actually cared about, in post 380, which is the one I partially quoted in post 383

post 383 contains no questions and minimal substance so idk why he would respond to it :joy_cat:

and they havent posted yet

I thought Porscha not posting was wolf meta once.

That game was my only loss on FOL.

raindrops keep fallin' on my head


@Arete you don’t think Arctic has a need to comment about Bolded?