An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

That achro wouldn’t ever do that d1 as wolf?

Literally TAKE MY WORD


Probably throw Agent47 in there somewhere if one is wrong.

are we just accepting that we lose the game if i’m town by the way

i’m confused if i should still be trying here or what

Also if Arctic is a wolf so is YBW.

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Wait no they aren’t?


I want everyone to

  1. Make a list of everyone they think is town
  2. Split up the list into people they have good reasons for townreading, vs. people they have bad reasons for townreading
    • IMPORTANT: this does not mean “people who have good-sounding justifiable reasons” vs. “people who have stupid sounding reasons.” a reason can sound dumb and be a good reason. a reason can sound perfectly reasonable and be a bad reason.

you don’t need to spend a lot of time on this, I just want it done


why did you say the first sentence?

why reveal ur hand pre-emptively to jinxed that that’s what ur trying to do?

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because i’m a wolf with them?

serious answer was that I was excited I came up with that super great idea that I didn’t really think properly and just wanted to gloat in thread about it

If your town your priority is to get Arete off your ass.
You need to make them see your town.

Your second step is to figure out Agent47, see if they actually are still town or not for you.

Then look at Zag’s thoughts on Baker, evaluate them.
Then look at the 2 Hydras Jinxed and Olivest, they ain’t both town but can both be Wolves.
Apo is also a possibility, but I’m not sure if they are with Baker/

bagel with cream cheese


i have been trying to do this the entire game, i’m not sure what more i can do. it’s on them to figure it out at, but i don’t really have much faith

sorry can you elaborate? im puzzled by the wording

split up the list into people I have good reasons to townreading, or … those listed people townreading other people, or other people townreading the listed people?

Strong Town

Mid Town

Low Town

I’ll start working on it now

I changed my mind on this btw. if we vote out a villager I will consider listening to specifically their suggestions and no one else’s.

fuck wait i need to wait for mag. i’ll send them my thoughts and when we have complied them we will send the list

I think Arctic is gonna possibility be wrong on this though, the dude seems confused and have no idea while I’ve maintained a confident attitude this entire game.

Look at Me!

“people where your reason for townreading them is good”


“people where your reason for townreading them is bad”

and the bullet point is … don’t split them into “people where your reason sounds good or sounds bad,” actually think about whether it’s a reason that Really Truly makes them that alignment, if it sounds dumb but it really truly makes them town then it’s a good reason.

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is there something I should have done differently here? I don’t know what else I could have done to project town. i’m sorry I was wrong but none of you did any better


wait who did sultan replace?