An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

  1. doubting myself severely

  2. lmaoooo I am so sorry, I very much meant “pls not you” = “pls not you being a wolf”, not that I didn’t want you to answer me, it was an entirely separate thought

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Alright, so your read on me that you’re representing is that you’re hoping that I’m town, but you’re doubting yourself

There is an obvious wolf motivation in making this post - you taking the piss for fooling me

If you had another motivation behind this post - what was it?

no, the motivation is to question why your read on me was so flat and unprogressive the entire game

and while I appreciated the shield cuz I was lhf, and because it is true you are pretty good at reading me, when you said there hasn’t been a game where I never fooled you, I assumed I was probably misremembering, but I found it and it was Cartomancy

Is it unreasonable for my read to be flat and unprogressive, considering you haven’t posted a lot, and interacted with few people?

In cartomancy I scumread you iirc, but at times deferred to sheeping the consensus that you’re town. I will concede that I’m not infallible when it comes to reading you.

I do find it odd that you spent time digging through our old games (you said “found it”, not “remembered it”) - for what I perceive to be a very minor point - if I was I really never wrong on you before.

If I may ask, when did you put in this effort, and roughly how long did it take for you to dig through our old games?

I wouldn’t call it “unreasonable”, I would call it unchanged when nobody even me really pushed you on it. the one time I thought maybe it wasn’t true, was when I questioned you on the game. but i’m pretty piss poor at remembering stuff like that, so I thought, shit maybe you’re right and you’re just awesome

but I really kept feeling like there was one, and I had it in mind, I knew if I saw the name I’d remember, so I spent like 7 minutes checking past games lol

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did you spend those 7 minutes looking around the time you wrote this post?

sometime after it

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Porscha gaining WiM is noted.
Not sure what to make of it yet.

its do or die I have to stop being such a lazy ass eventually

You’re either a wolf that has their team outed or a town trying to prove themselves.
That much is known.

Now it’s like I feel if it’s the former, perhaps Ice and Pigeon is correct because why bother doing this if let’s say Baker or Olivest was on your team, there would be no reason because you can just float with the deep wolf.

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Unless you’re bored and got allot of spare time.

Then maybe.

This I find odd.

Porscha, you’ve shared my frustrations with villagers not sheeping dead villagers.

You know what happened in that clown circus game in the syndicate. You saw how we almost lost Cyberpunk. You were angry after GOC for 1 week.

I don’t find it characteristic of you to rebel against town cohesion and sheeping dead strong town players. Especially when you admit yourself you haven’t read much, and most of us have.

Do you disagree? Would you argue this is characteristic of you?

If yes - could you point me to previous examples of you doing this?

If not - why are you doing something uncharacteristic of you?

What I especially find suspicious is that I find this archetype of a post coming more often from Zenon rather than you. Would you agree?

And if so - I do find it suspicious that you are invoking Zenon.

Do you guys want to vote out the Sorcerer or a goon? :joy_cat:


Not me towncoring 3 wolves and calling them innocent children :woozy_face:

Sometimes you get lucky by sheeping dead villagers and sometimes you dont, I was also the one staunchly against following sean’s reads after he died in that game on ts and you fought with me about it, so this isn’t uncharacteristic of me and you know that. you know as much I do that the some of the reasons half the town die isn’t because they were all right about reads, its often times done by maf specifically to lock-in incorrect reads.

If you recall, I have specifically asked for reads on some players by others, I dont care if they are basic / rehashed b/c they were already said, this is just the easiest way for me to try and see where everyone is and the bigger picture

lmao. trying to strongarm me into some bullshit “hey ur probs wolf so pls talk” with a side of “but only about these people and good luck, the council of undeniable elders will decide” to push me off not looking at everyone involved and then trying to say I’m the bozo for recognizing that is simply a fabulous way for wolves to get last ML. a strong push in a tight situation is noted

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I think the mafia sorc is Pigeon

Achro has some interesting long term impact posts but I just found another one where they talk about their game on MU dying D4 after surviving a couple of nights.

Pigeon scumhunting was weak too.

If I am wrong on Pigeon then next best candidate is Agent


I think Porscha pocketed me. I still keep them higher than anyone PoE atm and can’t get a clear mind to scumcase them. They are too good as a player

IceT + Pigeon/Agent

…+ Jinxed according to legacies

I actually townread Porscha so much that I would vote out lets say Zorvo in F3

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