An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

I think I did but there was like 10+, why

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idk I saw it

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im curious if you saw this post

I saw her say she had it

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At the start of the day? Or later?

yes I did see that post, why do I need to specifically bury olive???

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no when I got into thread and was going thru pings

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point 2 is dirty, as if we should never follow our instincts (especially in a bad gamestate where reads are forcibly being 180’d) and try seeing where a push goes and instead sit in the corner with our head down and doing what someone told us to and just dont question it

it’s not me, zorvo or baker, everyone agrees

icet, porscha, pigeon, olive contains 3 wolves and 1 town

but more importantly

you saw this post of mine saying:

“The Council has spoken that you three are the last members of the mafia”

that you three are the last members of the mafia

and yet

here you are representing the fact that you don’t know that apo exploded into ybw, getting us a wolf flip

i find a combination of a couple of things you’ve said suspicious. i am suspicious of you attempting to derp clear yourself

  1. you are proposing that you didn’t see agent claiming backup, and making a post lightly shading him, telling us that you are struggling with considering him mafia. but you saw apo claiming she received the bomb

  2. you are proposing you didn’t see apo exploded into ybw, leaving us with 3 wolves alive. but you also saw my ping proposing there are 3 wolves alive before you made your post in which you propose there are 4 wolves alive

Key part: In thread
My scumread on you is based entirely off of you being confident on Apo being a wolf, almost like you’re a wolf who knows you have a clear shot to victory
While basing a read off one post out of 600+ posts that’s barely wolfy is pretty bad, I don’t have much to work with here

Point proven.

I don’t consider Porscha town here.
They point to wolf to me more then anyone else alive:

  1. yes, those 2 things were in fact separate events apparently
  2. that’s absolutely true I didnt notice



zorvo I need you to understand that being unaware of information a wolf would have regardless is more town indicative than wolf indicative

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tutuu when did you decide I was town

i hope you see how that is suspicious and why scumreading you makes sense, considering in your last wolf game - deceiver 10er - a decently big portion of why you died is because you got caught paying more attention and reading more stuff than your activity would have suggested

im suspicious of the possibility of you trying to derp clear yourself, your non-chalant attitude to flips and host messages and such feels a bit wayyyy too non-chalant to me

also, again, pretty much every player, dead or alive, had tutuu, baker, zorvo in the towncore. in those situations we just listen to each other and we don’t hero shot.

so if you’re town, from your pov the wolves are icet, pigeon and olive. unless pretty much every player in this game has been utterly wrong on that towncore of three

at around your earlier posts - they gave me a sufficient combination of, perhaps slight aggresion and/or idgafuckery that i associate more so with your town game

I never saw posts that said that last game so that sounds made up

and if my notably honest answers that obviously don’t put me in a good light just because I have incomplete information based on how much i’ve read is considered “trying to derp-clear” then you’re already conf biased or in fact the loud voice in the room that was incorrectly cleared

consensus is good, but acting like we shouldn’t ensure it isnt being lead by a wolf voice is also important, because otherwise it assumes literally every wolf in this game has done virtually nothing to influence the game state and that’s statistically very unlikely, and again concerns me that you insist I only look in the people you have suggested. it is make or break right now and regardless we have a very good chance of hitting a wolf, but all the wolves also need to do is get a single mischop, so if you’re able to take out another wolf by placing them in the untouchables with you, it’s over. that being said, if you are wolf with zorvo or baker, I was never winning this to begin with

I already asked for some icet opinions and was ignored in usual fashion, only being responded to as a means of forcing me to defend myself instead of trying to solve the game, not very productive

if you won’t abide me an icet opinion then please opine on pigeon / olive for now

and you rode that how hard all game

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Before I answer that - what’s your current read on me?

re: icet opinion. You wrote this before asking for icet opinions. I understood it as you didn’t want me to give you an icet opinion. Am I misunderstanding?

I think Icet is mafia, when I pressured him he wrote a whole load of scummy posts. I’m also influenced to sheep the dead villagers.

Same for pigeon.

For Olive - I haven’t had a chance to talk to yet. Neither have I ISO’d them yet. I will have sufficient time tomorrow, as Agent will be the NK

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