An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Just because I’m confident doesn’t mean I’m right.
Zorvo has been confident and he’s been both right and wrong in many given situations.

I’m not going to tell you what to do or think Agent.
But I’m going to say that trying to “clear” people, isn’t a winning strategy.
Doing so allowed Pigeon, Porscha, Me, Baker, Tutuu and Olivest to coast throughout this game to the point there is 2 wolves within there.

No I’m wrong on saying this.
There might be 3.

Ice is the only person in this game alive that hasn’t been cleared in some way.
But to me, their enthusiasm today does seem like what a town can be doing in that situation.

I’m not telling you this agent to argue with you.
I’m just giving you and everyone else advice.

“Clearing” players from a social standpoint clearly didn’t work.

You can’t deny this because the proof is in this game to behold.

I mean you can deny it but you’d be silly.

Don’t think this means I’m advocating for Baker/Tutuu/Olivest tomorrow. I am not.
Don’t take it as such.

I’m saying don’t be surprised if one or two of them are wolves.

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It’s like.
Baker has over 5 years mafia experience, I’ve played with them on SC2 Mafia Ages, years ago.
Tutuu hasn’t been mafia so they are likely going to try and mimic their town game.

People don’t think about these things sometimes.
But I do, Zorvo does as well.

You know it’s funny I asked ChatGPT how to find wolves in a game of FM and I gotta say I agree with them.
Let me post it.

In Forum Mafia, finding wolves (or members of the mafia team) requires a combination of observation, analysis, and communication. Here are some tips to help a town member identify wolves:

  1. Analyze Voting Patterns: Pay attention to how players vote during the game. Wolves may try to subtly protect their teammates by avoiding voting against them or by voting in ways that seem random or inconsistent.
  2. Observe Behavior: Notice players who are overly aggressive, defensive, or who try to divert attention away from themselves. Wolves may exhibit unusual behavior to avoid suspicion.
  3. Communication Patterns: Wolves may communicate privately outside the main forum to strategize. Keep an eye out for players who seem to have close interactions or unusually coordinated actions.
  4. Role Claims: Evaluate the consistency and plausibility of players’ role claims. Wolves may make fake claims that don’t align with their actions or with the game’s mechanics.
  5. Analyze Night Actions: Pay attention to the results of night actions (kills, investigations, etc.). Look for patterns or inconsistencies that could point to certain players being wolves.
  6. Scumhunting: Engage in active scumhunting by asking pointed questions, seeking logical inconsistencies, and encouraging others to share their observations.
  7. Read Reactions: Take note of players’ reactions to accusations or suspicions. Wolves may become defensive, attempt to shift blame, or try to discredit town members.
  8. Social Dynamics: Consider the overall social dynamics of the game. Who’s forming alliances, who’s isolating themselves, and who’s leading discussions? Wolves often try to manipulate these dynamics.
  9. Contradictions: Identify contradictions in players’ statements, voting history, or role claims. Presenting these contradictions can help expose wolves.
  10. Observe Day-Night Cycles: Track players’ behaviors across multiple day-night cycles to identify consistent patterns of behavior that may indicate wolf behavior.

Remember, the best strategy is to stay engaged, observant, and analytical throughout the game. Work with other town members to share information and collaboratively identify potential wolves.

This is the correct way to play rather than just holding onto a townread that’s lacked being evaluated.
Zorvo has done this too don’t worry, he’s guilty.

There’s also 3 ways mafia can use their actions tonight.

1)Kill Agent, Give me Bomb
2)Kill Agent, Give Someone else Bomb
3)Kill Zorvo, Give Agent Bomb

The 3rd would be an odd choice but if Pigeon/Porscha/Ice isn’t the exact remaining wolves, it’s a good strategy for them.

Although I don’t think Baker would night kill me here due to their Porscha read.
But Tutuu would, they don’t have any conflicting reads from my death.

It also depends on who’s part of the team, depends on how they wish to play it.
It’s still findable though in F7.

If scenario 3 occurs.
Tutuu if wolf, manipulates Agent to bomb a villager
Baker if wolf, just states their opinion but stays quiet.
Olivest if wolf, will probably not change too much in terms of motivation.
Pigeon/Porscha/Ice if wolf, probably attempt to hard push the idea of a misclear rather then searching for the misclear and presenting the case to Agent.

That’s probably my final thoughts for today.
Good Luck.

TBH if Zorvo dies tonight or gets a bomb people are going to say

“Zorvo dying is WIFOM and Zorvo having a bomb means they’re wrong”

and if Zorvo lives or doesn’t get a bomb people are going to say

“Zorvo living means they’re wrong and Zorvo having a bomb is WIFOM”

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Porscha and Pigeon don’t feel the need to defend themselves because the last wolf is being miscleared and they win anyways

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Final Day 3 VC

No Execute (4): Zorvo, tutuu, baker, Agent47

Not Voting (4): thepigeonnyc, Porscha, Olivest, IcetFeelsPain

N3 begins and ends at 2023-08-20T20:00:00Z