An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

I’m reading Baker wolf games and town games and I swear I see nothing

Baker busses

No it’s not Baker busses Baker busses if their partners are sussed in which they werent this whole game

this is pure :innocent:

Baker really like pairing Bean together with stuff in Lackadaisy

@Olivest scum case baker please I cannot I don’t see anything wrong

they have always said baker you are too bad, too ugly, too stupid, too old, baker the girls dont like you back on tinder, baker you are a little bit creepy, baker you are fuckin manly, baker you are the worst person on MU. they have alwayts said negative things about me, they have always hated, they’ve always been haters. you guys i dont fuckin care. no one believes in me. you gotta believe in your fucking self man, who the hell is gonna believe in you, you got no mom you got no dad you got no family, you gotta believe in your fuckin self, you know what im sayin whats my team doing whats my fuckin dog shit fuckin team doing im just kidding man much love to everyone, lets give them a round of applause for trying so hard in this game clap clap free game cant carry game, good try man good try one thing but i just want to say one thing guys i love that you are all here right now i love that yall play mafia here on FoL i love the energy in the room we got a beautiful fuckin room around us we got a beautiful group of people saying based stuff so give yourselves a pat on the back, give yourselves that pat on the back you guys deserve it, you guys are beautiful i love you guys and vote for baker 2024 i will be running for president


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The outcome cannot change; the Mafia, @thepigeonnyc, @Olivest, @Porscha, and @YoubutWorse have won!

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Remaining Rolecards


Banana, Vanilla Town


You have no weapons but your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition: You win when all of the Mafia members are dead and 1 Town member remains alive.


Blue, Mafia Goon


You have no powers but your voice, your vote, and the factional kill. Use them wisely.
Win Condition: You win when the number of living mafia members is equal to or more than the number of living town.


Tan, Vanilla Town

You have no weapons but your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition: You win when all of the Mafia members are dead and 1 Town member remains alive.

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gg i was baker


gg, rip

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and happy birthday eddie!!


we like our fishing funnies here



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gg, nice try guys

should’ve been here for Popcorny Mafia, legendary
the flavor was… fish

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