An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

It was poking fun at a spelling error. This is a weird comment to make

i do

@Arete have you had a concrete approach to this game or have you just been winging it
I will not elaborate why I’m asking this

ok Zorvo is just a villager I think


oh nothing, i use that word very endearingly. (i wont call you that anymore, but just clarifying what was my intent :P)

i love u zorvo. and i call people who i like crackheads, which might be weird, but to me its kind of funny/cute

i imagine a hyperactive bunny running around when i say that word :sweat_smile:

second thing

Okay officially I have no idea what’s happening in this game and request a narrator recap the season so far like we are about to start episode 5 or whatever and I’m a new character debuting midseason. I nominate tutuu to do this.


well, what I was implying was that geyde’s post wasn’t wolfy. and if your argument is that the truth, being that geyde didn’t want to read his posts, is NAI, then you are actually agreeing with me

what did magnus do to get us three votes.

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@Geyde + the ybw townlean

tutuu is so pure, she doesn’t know we used to play FM with actual crackheads back in the day


this is where it starts imo
she’s talking about the post where senpai was like “you all get ONE question. except Arete I’ll talk to Arete”

then she just sent this

and I think if I was only looking at this one interaction I would agree with baker that tutuu is scum
like, I have the rest of thread to tell me otherwise, but this is not a good look for auntie tutuu

only after baker said she was scum did auntie tutuu try to answer
but she didn’t have anything to say anyway
so it’s like
just say that from the start, right?

this post almost makes me feel like baker doesn’t actually believe in her push on auntie tutuu
cuz it’s not like y’all will never play together again I’d just vote her out lol

don’t like this reasoning now that I’m forcing myself to actually think about what baker is saying
“I don’t think about that so why would you”
it’s giving ParticleMan’s epic “you don’t agree with me so you’re scum”

pov tutuu feels an emotion

this is a fair reaction though

because that’s what you said

@Geyde are there any other posts you wanted me to look at I feel like I missed something

I wish I could pick two people to ISO
like only see tutuu and baker’s posts


This is sussy to me

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That checks out
Fuck it
I think you’d approach the game differently if you were a wolf
You are like the color yellow this game

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I’m going to go through people’s reactions to baker / tutuu because it’s super viable information but yes thanks for going through this I’ll look eventually


i am asking why people are voting us cause i just woke up

You could like ISO the voters or like, go ask your partner since your literally a hydra.

you could be a bit more polite. i hate reading alot of stuff when waking up cause nothing is retained i just skim past goes in one ear out the other

The choice of words is sus. What did Magnus do to make us suspicious as opposed to like why do we have votes or some other equally viable choice of words. You’re distancing yourself from your partner in a way that implies you have a predisposition towards assuming your partner is guilty.


i… didnt say sus