An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Third place

im rly tired but i think this post is pretty towny. ill bookmark it and re-read it tomorrow

Hi chat

I will analyze these but imma be real with you it’s a lot of work so it’ll take me a bit to get going

there is always the phase where achro scum reads me.

completely fair i read the opener mag put out and i completely understand this.

@Geyde this was neither about baker nor about tutuu


I don’t know much about Geyde, but that one time where he was like "IF YOU PLAY MY SETUP WRONG I WILL BE SO MAD GRR’ reminds me of Crich when he is town and tripping over people being silly, so if I treat them like the same person Geyde is very towny rn

I can’t edit but thanks for checking


Lol misread your godread /jk

mag has yeeted me into the deep end and i dont know how to swim back out

comparing me to crich is a very huge insult to my person and most of my ‘giving a shit’ has been due to me earnestly trying to get back into playing mafia seriously

That happened to me in Splatoon when I dodge rolled off the stage

i have no thoughts on jinxed for the sake of not appearing as if im avoiding talking about them, admittedly im not playing with full focus right now

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Does any one want to be towny or wolfy you can do either one

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Tutuu might be outed for not giving me an assignment to post cute anime girls tbh


It do be like that

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i got really scared at unintentionally offending zorvo and im still thinking about it :sweat_smile: